Conor Friedersdorf Profile picture
Omni-American, staff writer at The Atlantic, founding editor of The Best of Journalism–subscribe here:

Sep 3, 2021, 18 tweets

Here again is my piece on pandemic Australia…

And below, a thread with some of the email responses to it:

From an Australian expat:

From a frustrated Australian:

This writer professes to dislike libertarians, but from the rest of his email, it sounds like Australia could use a lot more libertarians!

A couple of short ones:

On the difficulty of lengthy lockdowns:

From an American married to an Aussie:

Another interesting response

Another critic of the piece:

Here's another critic of the piece, about which I'll have thoughts in the next tweet

In response I just want to reject the premise that *freedom from fear* is synonymous with liberty. It is a good, to be sure, but not the same good. Many people fear liberty more than authoritarianism.

Another critique followed by another response:

Lots of *we disagree, fair enough* stuff here, but one point I want to make forcefully: objecting to *preventing Aussies from leaving the country* and other draconian restrictions isn't *abstract philosophizing*! The infringements on liberty are real, not theoretical!!

Another frustrated Aussie:

Another Australian emailer:

One of several Aussies with partners abroad who wrote me:

Generalizations are fine but some of these dissenters seem unaware that a quarter of their country disagrees with them and share the views of some folks in this thread.

Two more emails from Down Under from very different perspectives:

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