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Sep 3, 2021, 17 tweets

@Delphi_Digital has grown tremendously over the past few years. Join @AndrewSteinwold as he interviews @YanLiberman, Co-Founder of Delphi Digital, on their journey from a small start-up to what they are today 😎

Read on! 👇

@Delphi_Digital @AndrewSteinwold @YanLiberman 1/ Origins

🔮Worked in equity research at Bloomberg @business
🔮Went to @DeutscheBank to do leveraged finance
🔮Got into crypto in May 2017
🔮Rode the 2017 highs/2018 lows
🔮Along with his co-founders, left their jobs to build their business

@Delphi_Digital @AndrewSteinwold @YanLiberman @business @DeutscheBank 2/ "And before you know it, you're just like emptying out your entire traditional equity portfolio. And then not too long after that, my entire retirement portfolio, is like, yeah, this is way more interesting." - Yan Liberman

@Delphi_Digital @AndrewSteinwold @YanLiberman @business @DeutscheBank 3/ Attraction to crypto

🔮In 2017, it was the opportunity to make a ton of money
🔮Had to learn about the space
🔮The more they learned, the more they realized that crypto is a really interesting space
🔮Wanted to be a part of crypto in the long run

@Delphi_Digital @AndrewSteinwold @YanLiberman @business @DeutscheBank 4/ Delphi Digital

🔮Yan and his co-founders have been roommates for years
🔮Thought that research was the best way to start
🔮Wrote long form reports to deep dive into a handful of projects
🔮Helps them to really understand the topic
🔮Released 2 reports to build up their brand

@Delphi_Digital @AndrewSteinwold @YanLiberman @business @DeutscheBank 5/ Growth

🔮Started subscription model
🔮Did consulting work on the side
🔮Stash was running out/lease up at end March 2019
🔮Landed a big consulting job to stay in New York
🔮Through 2019, started bringing on employees
🔮Reached a stage where they took payment in tokens

@Delphi_Digital @AndrewSteinwold @YanLiberman @business @DeutscheBank 6/ Delphi Labs

🔮Shifted to consulting for equity. Wanted to be aligned with the projects over the long term
🔮Partnered with @ZeMariaMacedo and @lukedelphi
🔮Consulting side evolved into Delphi Labs
🔮Consulting work include tokenomics design

@Delphi_Digital @AndrewSteinwold @YanLiberman @business @DeutscheBank @ZeMariaMacedo @lukedelphi 7/ Delphi Ventures

🔮Everyone chipped in and they raised $1 million
🔮Recycled capital when some positions were sold. Proceeds were used to reinvest
🔮Launched Institutional Plus model to allow subscribers to co-invest alongside them
🔮Current AUM: mid to low 9 figures 🤩🤩🤩

@Delphi_Digital @AndrewSteinwold @YanLiberman @business @DeutscheBank @ZeMariaMacedo @lukedelphi 8/ Delphi Podcast

🔮@Shaughnessy119 joined them early on and was already running his own podcast
🔮Tom's podcast evolved into the Delphi Podcast
🔮Created subcategories for the podcast where individuals who were subject matter experts would be the interviewer for the episode

@Delphi_Digital @AndrewSteinwold @YanLiberman @business @DeutscheBank @ZeMariaMacedo @lukedelphi @Shaughnessy119 9/ Designing Token Models

🔮It is a learning process involving tweaks to previous designs
🔮Try to model the design, play it out with different variables, and observe what happens
🔮Attacked their models and attempted to exploit them from the perspective of the user

@Delphi_Digital @AndrewSteinwold @YanLiberman @business @DeutscheBank @ZeMariaMacedo @lukedelphi @Shaughnessy119 10/ Did A Background In Finance Help?

🔮Was reasonably helpful
🔮In DeFi, the initial models were DCF-based
🔮Token design and gamifying incentives. Being a video game or poker player helped to some extent
🔮Have to understand how models progress over time and why

@Delphi_Digital @AndrewSteinwold @YanLiberman @business @DeutscheBank @ZeMariaMacedo @lukedelphi @Shaughnessy119 11/ Sector he is most excited about

🔮Excited to invest in @YieldGuild
🔮Play-to-earn games are reflexive in nature
🔮Blockchain games will outgrow traditional games
🔮Future games would want to partner with Yield Guild, creating a flywheel effect

@Delphi_Digital @AndrewSteinwold @YanLiberman @business @DeutscheBank @ZeMariaMacedo @lukedelphi @Shaughnessy119 @YieldGuild 12/ The next big thing 👀

🔮Social tokens will come into play
🔮Could be a characteristic that's added to existing tokens
🔮Have to tease apart whether the social element will be its own category of social tokens or a facet of existing communities

@Delphi_Digital @AndrewSteinwold @YanLiberman @business @DeutscheBank @ZeMariaMacedo @lukedelphi @Shaughnessy119 @YieldGuild 13/ Single Favourite NFT

🔮@disclosure NFT, where the holder can get free access to any Disclosure concert

@Delphi_Digital @AndrewSteinwold @YanLiberman @business @DeutscheBank @ZeMariaMacedo @lukedelphi @Shaughnessy119 @YieldGuild @disclosure @AxieInfinity 14/ Most Controversial Thought On NFTs

🔮Have not done as much investing on pure collectibles
🔮Bigger fan of NFTs with embedded functionalities
🔮For pure collectible NFTs, one has to be ahead of mimetic trends and be able to identify a sticky community

@Delphi_Digital @AndrewSteinwold @YanLiberman @business @DeutscheBank @ZeMariaMacedo @lukedelphi @Shaughnessy119 @YieldGuild @disclosure @AxieInfinity Like our work?

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