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Sep 4, 2021, 22 tweets

An upcoming global conference titled ‘Dismantling Global Hindutva’ has come under heavy social media criticism for propagating “Hindu Phobia”. The conference is co-sponsored by 70 academic units from 49 universities including Harvard, Stanford, Cornell, Princeton & Simon Fraser.

After controversy some universities have withdraw or disassociates themselves from the event.
As per the report published in different media, The ‘Dismantling Global Hindutva’ event is set to see the participation of several Hinudphobic elements such as Audrey Truschke, Naxal….

…sympathiser Anand Patwardhan & Nandini Sunder, self-proclaimed far-left journalist Neha Dixit & many others.
Audrey Truschke – She’s one of the most unpopular academicians having a bad reputation for anti-Hindu propaganda & whitewashing crimes of tyrannical Emperor Aurangzeb.

She’s also on the advisory board of the Students Against Hindutva Ideology.
This activist body has organised the Hinduphobic ‘Holi Against Hindutva’ campaign in 2020. SAHI has worked with Stand With Kashmir (SWK), an organisation that toes the Pakistani line on Kashmir.

SAHI also glorified the Islamists at the heart of the Jamia protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act.
Anand Patwardhan – He’s a self-proclaimed human rights ‘activist’ & a docu filmmaker having a long history of propagating Hindu phobia in the name of artistic freedom.

As a filmmaker, he expectedly attempted to discredit the Ram Janma Bhoomi movement in the 1990s by making several propaganda videos to indoctrinate anti-Hindu hatred in the minds of the young Bharatiyas.
In 2014, Patwardhan had led a campaign against the BJP by demanding that…

..people should vote for a “secular candidate”, to make BJP kept away from power.
Ayesha Kidwai is another left-wing ‘activist’ who will join the conference has often tried to discredit democratically elected governments in the name of fighting ‘fascism’.

Ayesha was leading the campaign of signing mercy petitions for terrorists to standing in support of Kanhaiya Kumar, who is accused of organising pro-Pakistan events inside the JNU campus.
Christophe Jaffrelot is another foreign vested interest who seemingly believes that he knows

Bharat and Hindus much more than the people themselves will be in this “Dismantling Global Hindutva” conference. Jaffrelot, who writes columns for left-wing establishments in Bharat, has been peddling pedestrian narratives against Hindu society for decades now.

If you analyse his weekly columns published, the common thread after being pulled by the left-liberals in Bharat is clearly visible. RSS, its affiliates, BJP, Hindutva, lynchings, majoritarianism, democracy, human rights are usual themes.
He terms RSS as a “deep state,” and…

..everything that is wrong with Modi’s India—the “cruelty” against Muslims and Dalits—is part of a larger design. For Jaffrelot, Bharat is a theocratic state in the making.
Kavita Krishnan, a politburo member of the CPI (Marxist-Leninist) (CPI-ML), is a hyper-activist & doubles..

..up as a freelance protestor once in a while to support anti-Bharat causes.
Besides expressing solidarity to anti-national elements, she has a history of backing radical Islamists, fake news peddlers, & pro-Pakistan propagandists. Last year, she was exposed for standing in…

..support of a notorious fake news peddler Mohammad Asif Khan, who has a history of propagating communally sensitive fake news.
Meena Kandasamy – Dalit “activist” she’s the most befitting inclusion in the “esteemed” panel as she puts out vile & derogatory comments against Hindus

..on social media constantly. Most of Kandasamy’s tweets are hateful in nature, especially targeting Brahmins.
Earlier Dr Gunasekharan Dharmaraja, her former husband, had said that she’d filed fake harassment against him after he’d filed a case on her father for attacking him.

Dharmaraja had also said that Meena Kandaswamy is not even a Dalit, as she claims on social media, but a product of an inter-caste union between a man from the Andi Pandaram community, classified as MBC in Tamil Nadu, and a woman from an OBC community.

Nandini Sundar – She’s a professor of sociology at the Delhi School of Economics and also the wife of Siddharth Varadarajan, the founding editor of far-left Hindumisic website ‘The Wire‘. Nandini Sundar was once accused of a tribal man’s murder in Chhattisgarh’s Sukma.

However, with the Congress party forming the govt in Chattisgarh, Nandini Sundar was given a clean chit in the murder case.
Naxal sympathiser & her hatred for Hindus was yet again evident this week when she was caught bullying a book store to de-shelve Garuda Prakashan’s book…

..on Delhi’s Anti-Hindu Riots.
Neha Dixit – Neha Dixit, a “journalist” associated with leftist media outlets like ‘The Wire’ & ‘Caravan’, is also a perfect choice as the guest speaker in the Hinduphobic event given her rich history in peddling anti-Hindu propaganda.

A quick analysis of Dixit’s social media timeline will give one an idea of her leaning & ideology.
There is a systemic effort to build an entire ecosystem of scholars, funders & journals geared towards producing Hinduphobic scholarship. Harvard, Columbia, & the University of..

..Chicago were among the main academic centres implicated.
Why such a conference being organised ostensibly in North America rather than Bharat? The answer will reveal the networks of Hindumisia & Hinduphobia across global academia. Having lost the battle against Hindutva in…

..Bharat, these forces are trying to hold on to their Western fortresses & bastions.
Anyone who has been a target of their tactics knows that they are a bunch of tyrants and bullies rather than truly liberal scholars who believe in dissent, debate and dialogue.

They & their gatekeepers ensure that their opponents are kept out of the portals of the institutions they control through elaborate blacklists & purges.
Lastly Hindus usually rely on ‘Satyameva Jayate’, Truth will triumph. One day Truth will come out.
Hindu Post : Anil Biswal

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