Ben Wikler Profile picture
Chair, Democratic Party of Wisconsin / @WisDems. Husband and dad of three amazing kids and one glorious doggo, Pumpkin.

Sep 4, 2021, 12 tweets

Pumpkin’s very excited to staff the @WalworthCoDems booth at the Walworth County Fair this morning

Pulling up at the @WalworthCoDems HQ in Elkhorn, WI!

Pumpkin, me, and legendary @WalworthCoDems chair Ellen Holly!

Ahhh what a great @WalworthCoDems booth!

Take the quiz: are you a Democrat?

Inside the @WalworthCoDems booth with the great county party team! A huge crew of volunteers is working in shifts to greet folks coming to the fair.

Pumpkin’s heading out with her humans. Great visit to the Walworth County Fair!

Time for a rest on the way to the @OzaukeeDems Picnic

Pumpkin immediately making pals at the @OzaukeeDems picnic

“Who here has knocked a door?”—this is how @OzaukeeDems flipped Cedarburg blue by 19 voted in 2020!

Deb Andraca @debforwi flipped a district straddling Ozaukee and Milwaukee counties in 2020 that has been GOP “since it was a district.” Huge cheers for her!

Powerful speech by @WisDems First Vice Chair and Milwaukee County Supervisor @LadyHawkeLesia, who laid out made the devastatingly personal impact of Texas’s SB8 and the Supreme Court ruling.

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