Nick Hart Profile picture
Principal @CognitaSchools | MBA Educational Leadership @CEL_IOE | Author of #ImpactBook and #CultureBook

Sep 4, 2021, 13 tweets

Here’s a summary of my @researchED1 presentation this morning.


Putting children first is misunderstood.

First / ultimate are near antonyms.

The ends to not necessarily resemble the means.


Key point 1.


Components of climate: how it feels to work in this school.


Kraft and Papay found that teachers in more supportive professional environments improved more over time than those in less supportive environments.

They named 6 features of a strong professional environment.


Leaders should therefore prioritise working conditions in order to enable teachers to positively affect children’s learning.

Key point 2.


Models of leadership with knowledge at the heart.

A positive staff climate, and ultimately outcomes for children, are dependent on the extent of leaders’ knowledge.


Surely experience and wisdom are more important than *just* knowledge?

Experience and wisdom *are* knowledge.


Successful leadership practices are dependent on extensive domain knowledge - the domain of our own school context.

Contextual factors are interdependent and they change.


Knowing our context inside out can help us to understand and influence it.

Bias is an important consideration. How we treat colleagues determines the extent that they place trust and feel belonging.

Knowing things is only useful if leaders do something with it.


How can we become more expert?

Key point 3 - by deliberately seeking out knowledge.

Debrief decision making.

Get to know *why* colleagues behave as they do.

Seek feedback and reflect.


Key points:


Thanks for a great day @tombennett71 and @hgaldinoshea.

Look out for @rEDBerks in May…

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