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Our saint is Julian the Apostate, Our modal prince is Castlereagh, Our favorite statesman died today.

Sep 5, 2021, 12 tweets

The biggest problem with sex work is that it's not 'WORK' in the Marxist sense of the word.

Prostitutes are not proletariat, they are not selling their labor power in order to live.

They are the Bourgeoisie, the 'rentier class' living off the monopoly of pussy.

Pussy is not a 'good' in the same sense as coffee, steal or shoes are.

Pussy is private capital inherited by birth.

This mode of ownership and control of the pussy establishes the conditions that enable the prostitutes (bourgeoisie) to exploit the kerb crawlers (proletariat).

Pussy creates 'rentier' income from ownership and control of assets that generate economic rents rather than from capital or labour used for production in a free competitive market.

This order of things exploits and oppresses the proletariat.

'Sex work' is capitalist terminology, a plot to prevent the working classes (kerb crawlers) from reaching class consciousness, raising a successful revolution and thus the dictatorship of the proletariat by means of seizing (grabbing) the means of production (pussy).

If this social media manipulation does not strike you as obvious and simple, think about it in old terms.

Would Lenin approve of a red flag with a hammer, sickle and a c*nt?

I highly doubt it.

Once pussy is nationalized it will be distributed to the working classes in a fair and transparent manner. State-owned brothels can easily be opened in the places where the pussy is abundant.

Universal Basic Pussy is the future.…

In regions of pussy scarcity, such as small towns and villages, there are useful models and evidence based practices to implement.

Some suggest we use the popular term 'polyamory'.

I think a more appropriate term is Pussy Kolkhoz.

Pussy Kolkhoz is a form of pussy distribution cooperative of peasants that voluntarily unite for the main purpose of joint pussy sharing based on collective labor.

This will undoubtedly maximize the total happiness of the members of the community.

Reactionaries and counter-revolutionaries will try to subvert this scheme by spreading false rumors on it's failures and the alleged pussy starvation in some regions.

There will be no Pussy Famine, comrades. There will be no Hole-o-Domor.

This is scientific socialism.

What about those who oppose the class struggle and wish to maintain their monopolist positions?

What about the 'Sexual Kulaks'?

Expropriation by any means. Grueling office work followed by drinks with colleagues and free Tinder premium for all employees.

Repent, capitalist.

In order to prevent the very idea of privatization of pussy in early stages, education must be ensured at a very young age for both the proletariat and the bourgeoisie.

'Pussy owners, you have nothing to lose but your chains!'


Not having sex harms your health.

Not getting pussy can kill you.

Accepting the cruel nature of capitalist bourgeoisie makes everyone unhappy.

Another world is possible.

Don't let the words fool you.

Nationalize pussy.

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