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Hold leaders accountable to represent us. Consequences for the attempted coup on Jan 6th.#innocentpeopledont #USAorInc

Sep 5, 2021, 18 tweets

The January 6th insurrection was 8 months ago & we are still waiting for accountability for the Seditionist Republicans still in power.

Do not let them try to rewrite history! #NeverForgetJanuary6

Hold Andrew Clyde accountable! THREAD:

Paul Gosar planned the January 6th rally & promoted the #Biglie. He is working hard to distract from being held accountable for his role.
Do not let him minimize the crimes of January 6th!
Hold him accountable!

Ted Cruz led a sham Supreme Court case & challenged the election certification despite clear evidence Biden won.
Cruz does all that he can to distract from his role on January 6th. It seems clear that he incited these two men to steal documents.

Andy Biggs denies he planned the January 6th event, but organizer statements & text messages say otherwise. He spoke via video just before the insurrection on January 6th.
Now he disrupts to distract.
Hold him accountable! #NeverForgetJanuary6th

Josh Hawley incited insurrection
“I waved to them, gave them the thumbs up, pumped my fist to them, and thanked them for being there.”
-Josh Hawley
Hold him accountable!

“Hawley, Cruz”
“I think Cruz would want us to do this”
“I think we’re good”

Mo Brooks spoke at the rally & told insurrectionist to “start taking down names & kicking ass,”
After his incitement they marched to the Capitol for a violent insurrection.

Hold him accountable!

Kevin McCarthy May 2021
"I don’t think anybody is questioning the legitimacy of the presidential election.”

We remember what Kevin McCarthy said to promote the Big Lie & incite an insurrection on January 6th
Hold him accountable!

Marjorie Taylor Greene must be held accountable for her role I. January 6th & her continued sedition.
We know she met at the Whitehouse to plan the insurrection.
“Words matter”

On January 6th Lauren Boebert tweeted “Today is 1776” & tweeted the location of Nancy Pelosi. Her message was received.
Hold her accountable!

Madison Cawthorne played a role in inciting the January 6th insurrection with his encouragement to “threaten” representatives. We can’t allow him to continue to incite the next one. Hold him accountable!

January 6th was a planned coup by the disgraced former president. He planned the event without proper security, no permit to march to the Capitol, his appointees delayed/disrupted Secret Service & National Guard.
He sent insurrectionists to the Capitol!

Corrupt Republican Ron Johnson is trying to rewrite history saying “By and large, it was peaceful protest”

It was an insurrection & it must be fully investigated!

Louis Gohmert promoted the Big lie & condoned insurrection“Basically, in effect, the ruling would be that you’ve got to go to the streets and be as violent...”
Now he obstructs the investigation. Hold him accountable!

In an effort to distract from his legal troubles Matt Gaetz is on a sedition tour selling the BigLie & minimizing the attack on our Capitol. We will never forget January 6th!
Hold him accountable!

Jody Hice propagated the BigLie to help incite the insurrection & now he minimizes the violence he incited & the crimes of the insurrectionists. Hold him accountable!

Scott Perry actively cleared the way for the insurrection to occur on January 6th. Hold him accountable!

Ralph Norman tried to rewrite history by saying “I don’t know who did the poll to say that they were Tr**p supporters.”
We know they were sent by the former disgraced president, he planned the event without proper security & no permit for a march!

Marco Rubio made sure there was no accountability for the man responsible for January 6th. He should be held accountable for his betrayal of our country.

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