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Sep 6, 2021, 8 tweets

Top of thread:

A journalist was assaulted in downtown Olympia, WA yesterday by a gang of Proud Boys; two men in particular were responsible for attacking her.

I’m sure this will be posted by multiple folks, so consolidating and leaving it here

Lynden Bruce Adam Stewart of Cosmopolis, WA - The bed you made is going to suck. We protect us.


Kareem Patton’s confession is below.

Previous thread:

I don’t know if I’ve seen that many people protect a community and a survivor at one time online in recent days. Touched my heart.

PS - why do we pay cops again?

🖤❤️🖤❤️ Solidarity.
We protect us.


👇 guy (tan pants & helmet) is who bear maced her. Needs a name.

Far right (not a pun)

Partial face

Doing "press" from across the street.
Fingerless gloves.

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