rev’s jungkook’s day Profile picture
plucking stars for my dearest koomi.

Sep 6, 2021, 23 tweets

"this is taehyung's first life" — an adorable thread

when taehyung was too excited for his chicken wings that he almost fell down the chair,im not okay

i have 100 problems and this clip of taehyung playing with the dog can solve 101 of them

tete makes giant bubble being the most adorable human being :(

taehyung saw himself on big screen and started doing cute poses, isn't he a baby?

he enjoys little things around him for example him being amazed by the moon's beauty

baby doing his tiny dance whenever he's happy and excited

we all know taehyung has a soft spot for babies so here's a clip of him playing with one

the way he was dancing while waiting for his mango juice is peak devastation 🥺

the cute lil baby noises he makes </3

he was so excited to get smiley on his face that day, precious baby 🥺

his iconic "tata mic" and puppy eyes make me weak to the knees

just look at him being all excited because he's good at tennis :(

remember when taehyung was scared of jumping and he started acting cute making the members swoon over him?

let me end this thread with a cute compilation of tete eating in pout 🥺💗 thankyou so much for making it till the end !! you can follow me if you let's be moots i make threads and edits ><

our goals

also we made an account for tiny bts content please check it out if you want we won't disappoint you 🥺💜

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