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Sep 6, 2021, 13 tweets

"The West should not come another time"

🔴The Taliban invited @Telegraph to tea - and issued a chilling warning

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@Telegraph's unannounced visit to the government building now in the hands of the Taliban was a relaxed affair, @benfarmerDT writes...

🫖"The offer of tea was made with a warm welcome inside, part of a charm offensive by the Islamist leaders who until not too long ago viewed Western journalists with suspicion"

🗣️One fighter from Kapisa says: "When I used to come to the city, I had to sneak in like a thief, in case the government caught me.

"I could not even walk freely in my own country"

"Now we are in charge. We never thought we would see a victory like this"

A commander, who gave his name as Nisar, said he had joined the insurgents some 18 years ago.

🗣️"We are happy that we are victorious"

❌Refusing to speak English

He revealed he could speak excellent English, but then refused to do so.

"I won't speak English with you because I don't like it," he told @Telegraph

🔴He echoed the pronouncements of the movement's spokesmen saying that their revived emirate would learn from the mistakes of its 1990s predecessor

🗣️"This time, it will be a little bit different, but we have our Islamic law"

❌Many in Kabul do not believe them.

As the commander was speaking to @Telegraph, across town a small group of women's rights activists were holding a protest

"Those women are Westernised and they want a Western government and they are against Islamic law," said one young fighter from Kapisa

❌Warning for the West

🗣️"This emirate will be forever," chimed in another of Nisar's fighters.

"The West should not come another time. If they do, we will fight for another 20 years"

🔎Read @benfarmerDT’s full dispatch on when the Taliban invited him to tea here👇…

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