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Sep 6, 2021, 19 tweets

*Book Review*

14 Fantastic Lessons from the book 'Make Your Bed' by William H McRaven

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If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. Read many such life impacting lessons that US Navy Admiral William H. McRaven learnt from his stint in US Navy.

He made a speech in 2014 about the life-changing principles that he learned during his navy years.

He spoke about how these essential lessons helped him overcome challenges during his naval career and throughout his life;

he explained how anyone can use these basic lessons to change themselves and the world, for the better.

This book provides simple and universal wisdom, practical advice and words of encouragement that inspires us to achieve more, even in life's darkest moments.

Here we go!

1. Start your day off by making your bed. Life is hard and sometimes there is very little we can do to affect the outcome of the day.

Sometimes the simple act of making our bed can give us the lift we need to start our day.

2. It takes a team of good people to get you to your destination in life. You cannot paddle the boat alone.

You will burn yourself out. Find someone to share your life with. Make as many friends as you possibly can. Your success depends on others - always

3. Determination and grit were always more important than talent. Measure a person by the size of their heart.

4. Life is not supposed to be fair all the time. The sooner we learn this the better for us. It is easy to stop trying because you believe that fate is against you

Even after the best of your attempts you will fail many times. Don't complain. Stand tall, look ahead, and drive on

5. In life, you will face many challenges and pay for your failures.

But if you persevere and if you let the failures teach you and strengthen you, then you will be prepared to handle life's toughest situations.


7. True leaders must learn from these mistakes, use these mistakes to motivate themselves to become better, and not be afraid to try again and make the next tough decision.

8. Those who live in the fear of failure or embarrassment will never see their full potential.

Without pushing our limits, we would never know what is possible in life.

9. Courage is a remarkable quality. Without courage, others define our path forward in life. Without it, the bullies of the world rise up.

10. At some point, we will all confront a dark moment in life, which crushes our spirit and leaves us wondering about our future.

In that dark moment, reach deep inside yourself and be your very best.

11. Each one of us could rise above the pain, the disappointment, the agony, and then be strong.

We all had the ability to carry on, and not only to survive but to inspire others.


13. Quitting never makes anything easier. The quitter regrets of his decision for the rest of his life.

14. Life is full of difficult times. But someone out there has worse than you.

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