Joshua C. Agar Profile picture
Asst. Prof. | UPD | Wind Engineer | RCE | MSCE | | IAQ Fellow - UP BRS | |

Sep 6, 2021, 5 tweets

Sideview and the Topview of the previous case shown earlier of a person wearing a face shield.

Evident in the top view of the velocity field, vortices and reverse flows, typically present behind the head are now present in the face due to the intervention of face shields.

No face shield scenario:

[Close-up; Top View] With Face Shield Scenario

Due to the negative pressure due to the massive change in momentum caused by the face shield, flow reversal happens where the wind flow (along with the suspended particles) is redirected to the space bet. the face & the face shield.

The differing angles of attacks are also considered. Below is the simulation results of a cough coming from an angle of 45 degrees wrt to the front of the person not wearing a face shield. Evidently, the accumulation and deposition happened in the leeward side.

With Face Shield

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