Andy Kaczynski Profile picture
Dad of 3 👧 | CNN senior reporter | Co-founder @TeamBeansFund - funding childhood cancer research in memory of my daughter 🇵🇱🇦🇱

Sep 7, 2021, 9 tweets

Niagara Falls is gold right now for Francesca and Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

Anyone in Toronto have a picture of the CN Tower Tour right now?

And the CN Tower!

1 WTC is also lit up for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

New York City Hall lit gold for Francesca and Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

Grand Central Terminal lit gold tonight for Francesca and all our cancer warriors. #ChildhoodCancerAwarenessMonth

.@barclayscenter lit gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month tonight. It looks stunning.

One Bryant Park and One Five One West 42 both lit gold for Beans tonight.

Thank you so much!

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