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Sep 7, 2021, 13 tweets


Which one is more profitable.

broilers are birds kept for their meat while layers are birds kept for their eggs.
if one is unsure which one to go for between layers and broilers, here are a few things you might want to consider

1. marketing
broilers will be ready in 6 weeks. so you want to sell them off as soon as they reach that age other wise extra feeding costs results into losses. this means you must have market readily available. you can also slaughter them and refrigerate them….

them to prevent feeding costs as you await for buyers.

for layer eggs on the other hand, they have a longer shelf life( 1 month) this enables you to keep them at your farm as you await a buyer at the right price

2. start up capital
this is lower in broilers. and with broilers you can start with any number. start up capital is higher in layers plus if you are starting them from day old you have to wait for 18 - 21 weeks before you make any money while for broilers, in 6 weeks …

in 6 weeks you will make profits. so if you want quick money go for broilers

3. to make sensible money in layers you must have atleast 200 - 500 birds while for broilers you can make profit from even less numbers

4. Risk of loss of birds
the risk is higher in layers because you keep them for a very long time as compared to broilers. hence layers require more care and attention. you dont want to lose the birds . so if you are someone that loves to take risks, layers suit you more

5. long term revenue
lets say one or two years, layers are way more profitable than broilers. so if you are someone that loves to make alot of money over time, layers suit you more while if you are the kind that love to make money in short period of time broilers suit you more

6. levels of skill and experience
this is very needed in layers since you keep them for longer periods. hire people that are more skilled than you. attend our online trainings to improve your knowledge

7. availability
layers demand attention. you need to be more available at your farm as compared to broilers.

Was my information valuable to you?

Poultry Farming is a goldmine is done properly. You must have passion for it. Good luck

Prices of eggs 30s

Small size R35 - R420box
Medium size R40 - R460 box
large size R45 - R 500 box
( a box has 12 trays of 30 eggs)

We in Germiston, 301 president street.
WhatsApp us on 0793642181

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