Aamer Anwar✊🏾🏳️‍🌈#BlackLivesMatter Profile picture
Defence & Public Inquiry Solicitor,Media,Lawyer to Scottish #COVID19 Bereaved Families,former Rector Glasgow Uni & Dad to❤️❤️❤️01414297090 office@aameranwar.com

Sep 7, 2021, 11 tweets

Thread 1/11 Parts of unprecedented sentencing statement by Judge Beckett on @policescotland over M9 deaths of #LamaraBell #JohnYuill makes shocking reading & as the present Chief Constable pled guilty for1st time on behalf of service to corporate criminal liability in Scotland

2/11 “At the High Court in Edinburgh today, Lord Beckett fined the Office of the Chief Constable of @policescotland £100,000 following a guilty plea to a breach of the health and safety at work legislation”

3/11 “This case arises from terrible events in which two relatively young people died, one of them after days of severe physical suffering when she must have been in an almost unimaginable state of distress and anxiety”

4/11 “As the hours became days she must have felt disbelief that she could be injured and trapped in a car just off the roadway of the M9 motorway with no assistance arriving, a disbelief shared by the whole community when the full circumstances came to light”

5/11 “Lamara Bell and John Yuill left behind grieving children, parents and siblings & I have been told of the profound impact on them.There is no sentence this Court can pass which reflects the inestimable value of life lost and harm caused.”

6/11 “In this case an individual human error on 5 July 2015 comes against a background, according to the wording of the charge, of a failure enduring over almost three years to provide an adequate call-handling system”

7/11 “failure to ensure that the system was not vulnerable to unacceptable risks arising from human error; and failure to ensure that information reported by members of the public would always be appropriately acted upon”

8/11 “The Crown narrative has amplified these failures and explained that the risk of not transferring call details onto STORM was not recognised, identified or considered before the M9 accident”

9/11 “The entirety of the call handling system was not subjected to any risk assessment prior to the M9 accident. Risk assessments which could readily have identified the potential for the type of human error which occurred were not carried out.”

10/11 “There was no system in place to ensure that lessons were learned from errors being made” 💔💔

11/11 The full sentencing statement can be found at judiciary.scot/home/sentences…

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