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"Government's first duty is to protect people, not to run their lives." —Ronald Reagan

Sep 7, 2021, 12 tweets

This morning, and article written by @akarl_smith caught my eye. It’s about a supposed “political battlefield” that Trump and his supporters have “cultivated.”

According to @akarl_smith , “Schools have become the focal point for culture war fights that animated former President Donald Trump's base and have been advanced by conservative activists and influencers since he left office.”

I will summarize the piece here: Leftists are very upset that their efforts to indoctrinate children are now being opposed after decades of inaction by anyone on the political right.

Reality is, leftists have turned schools into conveyor belts for Marxist thought. They even admit it. Routinely. Here, Gabriel Gipe says he only has “180 days to turn them [children] into revolutionaries.

Many former school teachers have also come forward, after leaving the professional, to say that schools are openly and routinely indoctrinating school children.

Schools are openly filling their hallways with communist symbols.

How about Black Lives Matter? The organization is spoken about as a matter of routine in public schools. But who are the founders of BLM? They are a collective of “trained Marxists.”

How about “Reds in Ed”? Ever heard of them? They are a Marxist collective that focuses on indoctrinating school children. They are teachers, and their agenda is for everyone to see.

Bill Ayers, a terrorist and retired professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, once said

“Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at.”

An “educator” said that.

I could go on forever with this. In fact, I didn’t even touch on Critical Race Theory. But what I find interesting is that @akarl_smith doesn’t really discuss the leftist agenda that overflows in public schools. Never mentions groups that openly indoctrinate.

Instead, he lowers his sights on Trump and his supporters. Almost as if they are evil for pushing back against Marxist ideology. Well, Allan, Trump and his supporters didn’t turn schools into a “battlefield.” Leftists did that when they set out to indoctrinate our children.

Finally, Allan, I really don’t care if leftists are upset about that their decades long efforts to indoctrinate school children are finally being forcefully opposed. This is the “new norm.” Get used to it.

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