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Sep 8, 2021, 5 tweets

5PM ADVISORY: #JolinaPH weakens into a tropical storm and is now heading towards Bataan

As of 4 p.m., center of #JolinaPH was estimated over the Manila Bay or 135 km South of Sangley Pt, Cavite; moving northwestward at 10 km/h

Jolina packs maximum sustained winds of 85 km/h near the center, gustiness of up to 115 km/h, and central pressure of 998 hPa

Storm signal no. 2 still up over Metro Manila and nearby areas due to tropical storm #JolinaPH, as of 5 p.m.

5PM ADVISORY: #KikoPH further intensifies and continues to move west southwestward over the Philippine Sea.

As of 4 p.m., #KikoPH was located at 1,020 km East of Central Luzon; moving west southwestward at 20 km/h

Kiko packs maximum sustained winds of 175 km/h near the center, gustiness of up to 215 km/h, and central pressure of 940 hPa

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