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Sep 8, 2021, 7 tweets

The Appendix:

It’s existence was discovered in 1506,
Given the name, the caecal appendix,
Vermix by others, or vermiform process,
Latin for ‘worm like’, but we’re starting to digress;

It measures on average, 9 centimetres,
Widest at tip, towards it’s neck down it peters;
Mesentery contains appendicular vessel,
Clip, tie or fry it, at appendix base level;

2/3 are retro, in terms of the caecum,
This can cause stress, as it takes time seek em’.
Sub caecal, pre or post ileal and pelvic,
All can cause trouble, none guaranteed angelic;

The first was removed by Claudius Amyand,
With no Anaesthetic, needed restrainers to give a hand,
McBurney from New York, named the point where the pain is at,
McArthur….McBurney, but who was the copycat?

Vestigial in function, was suggested at first,
Which is why we’re happy to cut it out when it bursts,
Reservoir of bugs, or mucosal immunity,
If this is the function, can we remove with impunity?

Vermiform appendix, Trainee surgeons friend,
Plenty of mentions, in the assessments you send. 😃

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