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#Complexity #Cybernetics #InfluenceOps 2016 I Theorized a WWW Network had been created specifically to INFLUENCE WESTERN SOCIETY / Now Validated

Sep 8, 2021, 9 tweets

'Loved Ones' aren't the only casualties of 'QAnon' yet that's generally how it's portrayed. Global security is the ultimate casualty. Our inability to accurately portray it is rooted in human psychology.

Denialism: avoiding a psychologically uncomfortable truth. Credit success.

DENIALISM and Historical Negationism
"Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event, when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality"

"... empirically verifiable reality"

Here's one: The QAnon phenomenon threatens global security.

Here's another: observable responses to the threat fail to reflect the severity of the threat.

I think we are experiencing a collective 'Denialism' related to the QAnon Phenomenon.

'LOL: you're crazy to think something so bizarre and ethereal run by a few nuts is a threat to American Exceptionalism.'

'QAnon is dead. Move on, bro.'

Observable local and national government responses and sense of urgency equal to the severity of threats facing society and civilization are failing to meet the expectations of many.

Others are oblivious, in denial, perpetrators or collaborators.

OPERATION HOMELAND: What's the mission?

'The founders of 'Homeland' are men who have organized dozens of successful events including Charlottesville', includes Richard Spencer.

See also, 'AltRight dot com'


An 'AltRight' organization




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