Manas Arora Profile picture
Copy the mindset not the trades. You will lose your everything otherwise.

Sep 9, 2021, 11 tweets

Easy money trades for call writers. The R/R is never good but the money in absolute terms is almost certain in such trades. I have never lost.

VOLTAS cmp - 1215
VOLTAS 1300 CE Sep Premium - 16

Let's check where the premium is in the next 10 days.

VOLTAS cmp - 1210
VOLTAS 1300 CE Sep Premium - 13 (Down 20%)

VOLTAS cmp - 1237 (up from 1215)
Voltas 1300 CE Sep premium - 15 (Still down from 16)

Voltas CMP - 1240 (Up from 1215)
Voltas 1300 CE Sep Premium - Down 50% to 8 from 16

Making money even when spot is higher. As said before, the R/R is never good but the profit probability is way higher.


Spot price is still higher but premium down up to 70% (4.70 from 16)

This is a free money trade.

Next candidate for deep OTM call writing



Spot price 2200
2400 Sep CE - 14 (Down 60%+ from 40 on Friday)

The free money market offers sometimes


2400 Sep CE premium down 85%
(40 to 6)

Never lost in such trades so far maintains

New candidate for OTM Call writing


Spot price 192

210 Oct CE Price - 5.5


1st wrong trade

I will do adjustments with new OTM

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