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Traveler, Sorceress, Star maiden #quasar #nikolatesla #ComtedeSaintGermain #eliphaslevi #eagle #god #play #yougle #yukoeagle #oumegumi #stars #gold #awamigumi

Sep 9, 2021, 5 tweets

'Conscious human life begins and ends with the fact and consciousness of breath: all men are aware of the fact that they breathe from and breathe into nature. Immersed by the continuous act of respiration in this beauteous and bounteous natural world; they living in it ;

it living in them; their faculties open to the knowledge of Nature and their senses are thrillingly fed and solaced by its joys. With me the breath is twofold: besides the usual breathing from and into Nature, there is an organic action of breathing from

and into the Adorable Fount and Spirit of existence. First realized as by a new birth of the breathing system, a breath of new intellectual and moral infancy, this, carefully held, reverently and sacredly cherished as a gift of God,

has advanced till at present each organ of the frame respires in breathing rhythms, making of the body one conscious form of unified intellectual and physical harmony: the spirit, the real or higher self, is absorbing the lowly nature hood,

yet meanwhile nourishing it with the rich and vital elements of a loftier realm of being.

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