Pradheep J. Shanker, M.D. Profile picture
Pradheep Shanker, MD. @neoavatara My account was hacked, trying to fix it!

Sep 9, 2021, 8 tweets

So COVID charts...again. Its clear that the deep South's COVID surge is ending. Here is FL, TX.

What's interesting...and concerning, is what is happening elsewhere.

For example...what state is this?

That is my home state of Ohio. We are in the midst of a surge. Deaths are rising too.

How about this one?

This is MAINE.

And this?

This is Pennsylvania.

Here are IL and MI.

So what are we seeing? I mean, we need more rigorous analysis, but we are seeing exactly what we'd expect for seasonal variation...the disease is slowly moving North.

But here is the most interesting one. California. They had a surge in the summer, mostly in the Southern Cali area. Now...they are seeing one in the North.


Its harder to see, because they got hit so bad, but we see a similar trend even in Florida. Dade County was pummeled during the summer...but its NoFl that is seeing a surge now.

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