Zeta Markets Profile picture
DeFi Perps Trading at the Speed of Light ⚡ Backed by @ElectricCapital, @wintermute_t, @jump_, @SolanaVentures

Sep 9, 2021, 11 tweets

Attention all newcomers to the Zetaverse! We’ve seen a bunch of new people flooding in lately, and wanted to update everyone on how Zeta is pushing boundaries in DeFi options. 🔥

What is Zeta? We are an undercollateralized, fully decentralised futures & options protocol built on @solana and @ProjectSerum . Zeta offers the full derivatives product suite, where investors are able to go long, short, and actively express opinions.

But what makes us special?

The first aspect is Zeta's orderbook. Thanks to @solana's incredible speeds and @ProjectSerum's robust infrastructure Zeta brings the full CeFi options experience into DeFi. Individuals can choose to place bids, asks, trades all in sub-second speed, just as you would on FTX.

The second aspect is Zeta's Options Market Maker (OMM). In order to bootstrap liquidity and democratise yields for all, Zeta has built an OMM pool available to everyone that provides liquidity across options at all times. Our pool minimises IL and maximises yield for all.

Third, we also have undercollateralization baked into the entire platform 🥧. For every $1 a user deposits, they are able to trade multiples of that in exposure via our world-class option margining and liquidation system. We make options available to everyone, not just whales 🐳

There are so many more features to mention – an intuitive trading interface, robust liquidation engine... but we won’t have time to go into it all today. Check out our Gitbook for more details! zetamarkets.gitbook.io/zeta/zeta-prot…

So what’s been the progress on Zeta so far?

In June, We came away winning the Solana Season Hackathon with our flagship Alpha product! 👑 You can check out our binary options Alpha here 🔥:


We even ran a binary option trading competition featuring @AlamedaTrabucco , @mgnr_io , @kevinrose and @EvgenyGaevoy, where users who beat these traders received the #Zetaverse trading cards... our first Zeta NFT's! Also with amazing rewards from @gopartyparrot and @SolariansNFT

Groundbreaking derivatives infrastructure isn't easy to build, and our team has been working long nights. Get ready to experience the CeFi futures and options experience now on DeFi. An entirely redesigned UI/UX, blazingly fast execution, tight spreads, deep liquidity.

Of course we have to thank the amazing community and the people who have helped every step of the way. Thanks to @armaniferrante @baalazamon @jhl_xx @adrian_serum @austerity_sucks @AlasdGem @jackshaftoes and a whole bunch more we couldn't fit on this thread... ❤️

In the meantime. If there are any questions about Zeta, please reach out to us! You can find us on the team Discord and Twitter, or message our core contributors @Tristan0x @epsilonsized @PDAnimol @0xjcaa

Say hi to @aSheephead in our Discord below :)

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