Andrew Lawton Profile picture
Managing Editor, @TrueNorthCentre ( | Bestselling author, "The Freedom Convoy" | @bookcameo:

Sep 9, 2021, 6 tweets

The English language leaders’ debate starts at 9:00pm here in Gatineau. People’s Party leader Maxime Bernier was not invited. PPC has organized a #letmaxspeak rally outside venue. Just started.

A combination of anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine passport signs throughout the crowd. I’m bad at crowd counting but I’d estimate a couple of hundred people here.

PPC candidate for Gatineau @MSPPCGatineau is emceeing. He begins by thanking police for their efforts.

Crowd starts chanting “Let Maxime speak.”

Ottawa Centre PPC candidate Regina Watteel thanks crowd for their “courage” in showing up. Says PPC has law and constitution on its side.

A small group of demonstrators with Unifor flags are here. Unifor is the union with a mission of opposing the Conservatives. Not sure if these members are from the journalist division.

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