Dipesh Gopal Profile picture
Doctor (GP) | @QMUL_WIPH research in cancer survivorship & health inequalities #survonc #lwbc | @SURECANstudy | @GPPACT | Own views. RT≠end.

Sep 10, 2021, 10 tweets

@RaoMala @GraceOkoli and I write in @JHHypertension: nature.com/articles/s4137…

🧵 THREAD on why we need to seriously re-consider race in the @NICEComms hypertension guidance:

1️⃣ There is a small difference in ACE inhibitor blood pressure response between Afro-Caribbean and White people.



2️⃣ Stereotyping all Afro-Caribbean people as being low renin responders is not based in science:


3️⃣ No one can tell if they do/not have Afro-Caribbean ancestry, so who decides if they should have a treatment over the other?




4️⃣ Why is race important at the beginning of the guidance but not after initial treatment ineffective?


5️⃣ Race is not important in use other guidance with the use of ACE inhibitors in other guidance, e.g. heart failure



6️⃣ Some say ACE inhibitor associated angioedema is much higher in Afro-Caribbeans. Is it? A 2006 meta-analysis with mostly US data found the rate was 0.43% compared to 0.18% for White people. Is it relevant esp later in the guidance?


7️⃣ Some say that ACE inhibitor/ARB are associated with an increased stroke risk from a 2018 meta-analysis with mostly US data, without including trials that measured relevant confounders such as discrimination or poverty.


It's not about moral or some anti-racist virtue signal.

It's about questioning the science behind race and whether it serves our patients well.

@NICEComms - does it?

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@NICEComms @threadreaderapp unroll please, thank you 🙏🏽

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