Fuad Alakbarov ⁠⁠ Profile picture
Political Commentator. Journalist. Interests: South Caucasus, Central Asia, Football. Bylines: @openDemocracy, @Jerusalem_Post, @JamestownTweets, @DailySabah

Sep 10, 2021, 6 tweets

Thread. From my travel diary.

Istambul's Grand Bazaar is one of the world’s oldest covered markets. Around 250,000 people a day are thought to visit its 3,000-plus stalls. It was listed as the world’s most visited tourist attraction in 2014.

Spice Market, 2019 © Fuad Alakbarov

Dungavel is one of the saddest places that I've visited. It's a prison for migrants and refugees.

I remember during this protest a female police officer slowly approached me and said: "I hope they'll bulldoze it ASAP". Godspeed...

Shut Dungavel protest, 2015 © Fuad Alakbarov

I've once spoke to these men about poverty but I particularly remembered one of them said to me:

"It's time to end stigma towards Romani people. We must celebrate these people's unique culture. Why all the hate? I respect them".

Sauciehall Street, Glasgow, 2014 © Fuad Alakbarov

I remember the anger during Donald Trump's visit to Scotland.

Crowds, ranging from children to pensioners, held signs and shouted: "Donald Trump off our streets."

This woman came from Texas to back the public.

Anti-Trump protest, George Square, Glasgow. 2019 © Fuad Alakbarov

Protesters gather at the Black Lives Matter demonstration at Glasgow Green. 2020. © Fuad Alakbarov

I've been to Kyiv twice. It’s a vibrant city, with friendly people, great architecture, underrated nightlife and wonderful food.

I mean how you can not love borscht? 🙂

Happy Stranger, Kyiv. 2020 © Fuad Alakbarov

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