Andrew Levi Profile picture
Technology investor, former diplomat and corporate executive▫️“Top” New York Times▫️“Senior” BBC▫️“Valued” Financial Times▫️“Persona non grata” Vladimir Putin▫️

Sep 12, 2021, 8 tweets

The problem.

A short 🧵.

Dedicated to @DavidGHFrost. /1.

The problem is, David, and I know you know this … /2.

… it doesn’t work. /3.

It was never going to. As so many of us said, long before it was “it”.

Because the power relationships and external realities of the world, which frame the UK’s choices and remotely realistically achievable outcomes, mean it can’t. /4.

That’s the nature of empty promises, founded on fundamentally flawed assumptions. /5.

Here’s the corner you’ve backed yourself and the country into over Ireland👇 … /6.…

… and here are the people to whom you’ve hitched your wagon. Who, let’s be honest, have never cared anything for you, or anyone remotely like you.

You doubt me?

Believe me, you don’t want to read the transcripts or diary entries.

Here’s a précis👇 /7.…

You’re better than that.

The country’s so much better. But urgently needs your help.

First, you have to admit it.

There’s a massive problem.


Then we can start to repair what will otherwise soon be irreversible national disfigurement. /8. End

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