Khawar Khan Achakzai Profile picture
Doctor of Medicine | Student of History | Seeker of Truth | Columnist/Writer @freepressk | Founder @aagoshkashmir |

Sep 12, 2021, 7 tweets

Sorry to say this is not correct. While we believe in Pan-Islamic solidarity whole heartedly, it does not need to be at a cost of historical fact. The fact that is described in detail by Muslim historians like Hassan Kuehaimi, Khwaja Muhammad Azam Dedmari along with (1/n)

many Western scholars like Lawrence and Moorcraft. Even though the Afghans were brutal towards everyone, the Pandits were instruments for Afghans, they retained their positions and even progressed during the rule as Jia Lal Kilam mentions it clearly. Pandit (2/n)

Nand Ram Tiku became governor of Kabul. Dhars, Kouls and Saprus came into administrative service and some of them even assumed Afghan surname ‘Jalali’. Dila Ram Quli was appointed as ‘madar-ul-mihan’ or Prime Minister of his time and as Pandit Kilam further writes (3/n)

he was given support to “veritable scourge on earth for tormentation of otherwise innocent civilians”. The author of history of Kashmir entitled ‘Bagh-e-Sulaiman’, Saifuddin Shahbadi writes about the tyrannies met out on people during Afghan rule. (4/n)

In Majmoo-e-Tawarikh, Karimdad Khan is mentioned to have seized Muzaffarabad and taken thousands of Bombas (Muslim Warrior tribe) as prisoners and drowned them in Dal Lake. M.D Sufi calls it “the bad start” when under the rule of Afghan Abdullah Khan Ishak 80 big (5/n)

merchants left Kashmir which led to an economic repression. On his return to Kabul he presented crores of rupees to the Afghan Supremo which he had wrung from exhausted poor Kashmiris. Volumes can be written on the rapacity of Afghan rule but the space limits it on twitter. (n/n)

Pan-Islamic solidarity is pure, lets not contaminate it, it doesn’t need historical distortions and narrative misnomers. It stands vibrant in its cleanest and purest forms!!

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