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Sep 12, 2021, 8 tweets

🧵 Anti-vaxxers plan to spread Covid disinformation via fake NHS leaflets outside schools.

Article by our @KDenkWrites and @zoetidman at @Independent… 1/7

An investigation by @AllTheCitizens has uncovered a group of anti-vaxxers designing fake NHS advice leaflets for members to print and share outside schools across the country. 2/7

The NHS-style leaflet contains six lies about the Covid virus and vaccine which have variously been debunked by the Department of Health and @FullFact 3/7

Other guerilla tactics include sharing and spreading anime-style disinformation posters with QR codes, which lead young people to disinfo websites filled with advice against the vaccine and other misinformation. 4/7

Using information obtained from public chat groups on Telegram, it is apparent that the group believes their children are at risk of dying from the vaccine and will stop at nothing to prevent this. 5/7

Members of the group have also been present at recent protests in London and resistance from the police has left them planning to “fight back”. 6/7

Encouraged by the violent rhetoric of Kate Shemirani at Trafalgar Square on July 25th and a variety of conspiracy theories, the group intends to cause serious disruption until the government agrees to stop vaccinating children. 7/7

A patient group has issued a warning after anti-vaccination protestors taped razor blades behind conspiracy posters in Kent, injuring clinic staff as they tore them down.…

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