Dr. Yvonne Maphosa Profile picture
Award winning AUTHOR // PhD // Food Science // Chemical Engineering // Lecturer // Globe Trotter // Nerd // Akon's Wife // A Rebel // Summited Kilimanjaro

Sep 13, 2021, 18 tweets


A thread of links and information shared in last night's Space. It might work for you too🕯

[PS: Please DM or comment with links to more scholarships, visa information and/or opportunities.]

Postgrad courses for students from developing countries for UK-based MSc and MA courses.

FIELDS: Land-based courses, eg Sustainable Development, Waste Management, Horticulture.
Also, Project Management and Economic Development.


Scholarships for Africans

A lot of different scholarships, fellowships and opportunities for Africans.


We had a recruiter based in South Korea, Asia and this is what he shared:


Considering Canada?

Here is one way...


You can subscribe to a SCHOLARSHIPS website.


"People to follow for scholarships"


Information on South Korean scholarships


Another way is to find a Professor/Supervisor and shoot your shot.

Looks like the easiest way for American scholarships is to find a Supervisor and you are sorted.

Turkish scholarships


Some of the advice given was:

1. Subscribe to Job portals.
2. Update your LinkedIn and keep it professional.
3. Tidy up your Social Media, especially if you are considering moving to other countries.
4. Network eg., yesterday's Space
5. Read and research

Critical Skills Visa - South Africa

If your profession is on the South African Critical Skills List, this could help you.

A good summary: intergate-immigration.com/blog/critical-…

The Home Affairs website: dha.gov.za/index.php/immi…

The List: dha.gov.za/images/immigra…

Considering Germany?


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