Pradheep J. Shanker, M.D. Profile picture
Pradheep Shanker, MD. @neoavatara My account was hacked, trying to fix it!

Sep 13, 2021, 6 tweets

So COVID update.

This is a map of county wide hospitalizations. If you have paid attention the last few weeks, this map is getting darker, and the darkness is moving north across the board.

Another variation that maps 'danger'...again, the purple colors are worrisome. See PA, OH, IN, IL, NoCA, OR...its moving north.

This shows county increase in hospitalizations. This is a little skewed because some of the counties are so small...but you get the idea.

The US overall decreased by 7%. But states are starting to clearly see surges.

ND, ID, ME and my home state of OH clearly in the midst of the surge.

Lets look at PA. Kind of a purple state, kind of a NE/Midwest state. They got hit pretty hard last year, so fair amount of endemic immunity. They are right in the middle of vaccination rates at 56% totally vaccinated.

And...yeah. They are clearly seeing a surge.

Another state: MA.

One of the highest natural immunity and vaccinated states in the nation.

And they look like they are about a week or two behind PA.

This is coming for everyone. Batten the hatches.


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