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writer/novelist @rabihalameddine@zirk.us

Sep 13, 2021, 9 tweets

Eugène Delacroix, Un lit défait (Unmade Bed), ca. 1824-28, Watercolor over traces of lead pencil

Albrecht Dürer, Six Pillows, pen and ink on paper, circa 1493

Eugène Delacroix, The Unmade Bed, 1827

Leonardo da Vinci - Drapery Study on red paper.

Anne Louis Girodet de Roussy Trioson
Drapery study for a deluge. 1806. crayon, white chalk on paper

Edgar Degas - Drapery Study for Semiramis 1860-1862

Eugène Delacroix, Drapery Study, ca. 1820

Albrecht Dürer, Drapery Study, 1508

Leonardo da Vinci : Drapery Studies

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