Video Music Awards Profile picture

Sep 13, 2021, 15 tweets

Let's go backstage with your favorite artists.

Here's what @DojaCat, @Normani, @ChloeBailey, @justinbieber and MORE were up to behind-the-scenes at last night's #VMAs!

.@Normani backstage after taking the #VMAs stage.


.@ChloeBailey getting ready to perform "Have Mercy" live for the first time. #VMAs


.@Olivia_Rodrigo minutes before making her #VMA debut with "good 4 u" (and before she won her second award of the night).


@Olivia_Rodrigo @RAVIEB .@madisonbeer being a real life goddess at #VMAs.


Spotted: @ShawnMendes and @Tainy backstage at the #VMAs getting ready to bring you the "Summer of Love" ☀️


@ShawnMendes @Tainy @RAVIEB A dynamic duo — @ashanti and @jarule after presenting Best Collaboration at the #VMAs


Baby back(stage), aye or whatever @LilNasX said.


@LilNasX @RAVIEB Caught up with #VMA nominee and pre-show performer, @Polo_Capalot backstage.


.@justinbieber and @giveon backstage after taking home the #VMA for Best Pop 🍑


@justinbieber @giveon @RAVIEB Swooning over @sza.


Can't get over @Camila_Cabello's reaction after performing "Don't Go Yet" 💃


Busta. freaking. Rhymes.


The way @MODSUN looks at @AvrilLavigne >


Ending it off with our incredible 2021 #VMA host, @DojaCat. She killed it last night!


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