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Columnist @Crikey_news + @SmartCompany | Co-Founder and CEO, Luxury Escapes | Host, From Zero podcast | Barefoot Marathon Runner

Sep 13, 2021, 9 tweets

The Covid data from around the news keeps getting better.

But since Australian media only reports the bad stuff, here’s a quick thread on all the good Covid data from around the world (yep, there really is some positive stuff happening).


The US Delta wave has clearly peaked. Hospitals never overran (even in Florida, which despite warnings of ICU's being overwhelmed, peaked at 92%)

Interestingly, US first dose vax rate is 63.7% – NSW just hit 63.7% first doses of total population as well

In March, Brazil was dubbed “the epicenter of Covid”. Some scientists even claimed “Brazil is an open-air laboratory for the virus to proliferate and eventually evolve into more lethal mutations”

Since then, infections are down 80% and daily deaths are 85% lower than in April

The news is even better in Chile, where daily fatalities have dropped by 96 percent since lockdown restrictions were eased in early July.

Chile is now 73% vaccinated (which seems to be the level that deaths drop to below regular flu levels)

Israel has also seen off its Delta wave, with infections 30 percent down on recent peak levels. This was done without the country locking down and with only minimal (and largely ignored) restrictions

Despite the hype, Israel has only vaccinated a relatively low 61.3% of people

This is the big one

Just two months ago, experts warned Indonesia was on the brink of ‘catastrophe’ with skyrocketing infections and low vaccination levels

Since then daily infection levels in Indonesia down 89 percent and daily fatalities are down 74 percent

The news isn’t all good though.

The countries who thought they beat Covid in 2020 with strict elimination strategies became the fools of 2021

See: Vietnam, Thailand and Australia

All three also continue to have military enforce strict stay-at-home orders

If you think Australia isn't too bad in that last chart, that's because our delta wave started later – here’s a better one

Yea, nah

Remember England? Where Boris Johnson was accused of “embarking on a dangerous and unethical experiment” after removing all restrictions

Scotland and Wales were far more cautious

Kids back at school as English infections slump. Wales and Scotland are at record levels.


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