Alex Seitz-Wald Profile picture
Senior Digital Politics Reporter for @NBCNews. DC expat in Maine.

Sep 13, 2021, 9 tweets

NEW: Larry Elder's campaign is promoting a website that claims the recall is over, Newsom won, and they found voter fraud through a statistical analysis of the results.

The only problem: The election hasn't happened yet...…

Larry Elder has been telling supporters that Democrats are "going to cheat" and urging people to go to his website to report fraud. When you go to his website and click the "Stop Fraud" tab, you get to this page, which says it's paid for by a committee funded by his campaign.

The site asks Elder supporters to sign a petition demanding a special session of CA legislature to investigate "the twisted results of this 2021 Recall Election."

Again, the election has hasn't happened yet.

"Statistical analyses used to detect fraud in elections held in 3rd-world nations...detected fraud in California resulting in Governor Gavin Newsom being reinstated as governor."

Again, the election hasn't happened yet....

Here's the website, which I assume they put up prematurely (campaign did not respond to request for comment). We have screen shots if/when it gets taken down or updated.

The website affiliated with Larry Elder's campaign also suggests voters will have to open their "ammo box" if they can't trust elections...

UPDATE: Larry Elder comms director @GZtoGhetto sends over a post-publication statement: "we believe that Larry will win on Election Day, and that whatever shenanigans there are will not stand in the way of him becoming the next governor."…

“This is really becoming the standard GOP playbook,” said @leedrutman.“This is democracy 101. If you don't have elections that are accepted and decisive, then you don't really have a democracy, because the alternative is violence or authoritarianism.”…

@leedrutman UPDATE: The site linked on Larry Elder's homepage claiming they found fraud in the CA recall (before a single vote had even been reported) has been wiped.

Now it just shows the affidavit form, no text about fraud and demanding an investigation.

Before (1+2) vs. after (3+4)

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