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Sep 14, 2021, 9 tweets

7 VS Code Extension for Flutter Developers

A Thread🧵

🔹Flutter & Dart: This extension provides helpful tools like code refactoring, wrapping with frequently-used widgets, hot reload, and also live debug

🔹Flutter Awesome Snippets: This is very handy extension, there are many shortcuts for various things like importM to import material package

🔹Error Lens: This is probably the most underrated one. It highlights the line where the compiler error occurs and print the language-specific message inline

🔹Bracket Pair Colorizer 2: This extension as the name suggests colors the pair of brackets of a method, widget, constructor

🔹Pubspec Assist: Pubspec assist get you the latest version of whatever package you are looking at some recently launched versions while adding new dependencies

🔹Better Comments: This extension allows you to write comments by annotating with an alert, query, informational, TODOs, etc. This is very useful while working in a team. which is in the majority of cases

🔹Flutter Tree: Flutter Tree extension creates the desired widget tree with the simplified syntax

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