Jonathan Mesiano-Crookston's translucent form Profile picture
This place is propaganda and disinfo. Here to repost old information. #COVIDisAirborne 🌬️🔅-wear N95 pic: P Smith. Made w typewriter. Had c palsy

Sep 14, 2021, 8 tweets

I can smell smoke in my N95. Does that mean it's not working?

No. Odoriferous molecules (like sulfur) are tiny and pass through the N95.

Just like air. This is why you don't "is he ded?" when you wear a mask

Here's an article on smoke/masks:…

I cannot believe we are still having this discussion.

COME ON people. Some of you are in industries that should know how to search the internet.…

For ref, sulfur is .0004 um.

Picture of sizes.

Sulfur is 0.0004 um, therefore 100 times smaller than this little guy.

rough rough scale 1/2

rough rough scale 2/2

zika was 200 pixels across, so the sulfur molecule is the 2 black pixels in the centre of this.

side by side

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