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Love to study & discuss history, circulate money, have fun and help people.

Sep 14, 2021, 6 tweets

Many old families in Europe have what are known as "Coat of Arms" or a "Family Crest", which are modern day "logos", depicting a shield and a symbol with the families name. This image below is the "Coat of Arms" of the former Pope.

Every time this Pope spoke, he made sure his families Coat of Arms was on full display.

How can you explain this? What's the excuse lol?

This is the history they want to hide at all costs.

This is why they attack and call me all kind of N words for sharing this hidden information lol.

There are literally hundreds of these Coat of Arms and they are all Real!!!

The English Royal Coat of Arms.

Read the royal catalog known as the Fairbairn Coat of Arms and please prove me wrong...

I have better things to do with my time than waste it on twitter lying or exaggerating about history.

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