Raflanker 🇮🇳 Profile picture
Team Alpha Defense | Defense enthusiast

Sep 15, 2021, 11 tweets

Let's talk about potential system that will form part of India's rocket forces. A force that will likely command Indian Army conventional missile arsenal (SFC is for strategic missiles)
1- Brahmos supersonic cruise missile
Range - 300-600km

Nirbhay cruise missile
Range - 1000-1500km

Shaurya ballistic missile
Range : 750-1800km

Pralay ballistic missile
Range : 350-500km

Prahar/Pranash tactical ballistic missile
Range : 150/200km

Prithvi ballistic missile
Range : 350km

Guided Pinaka MBRL
Range- 90-120km

Range : Unknown

Brahmos II hypersonic cruise missile
Range : 1000km

Other unguided MBRLs like Smerch and Pinaka II? (Probable)

We might also see conventionally armed Agni series with rocket forces too.

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