BILAL SARWARY Profile picture
Thinking about ALL AFGHANS who get up each morning and dont have the option of just walking away from it ALL. Ind Scholar @Middlebury 2010. AFGHAN. Journalist.

Sep 16, 2021, 9 tweets

A thread on the complexities of conflict that continue in Afghanistan villages and networks long after Foreign involvement. This story starts years ago with a US special forces commander and his unorthodox connections with tribes and villages in rural Kunar, Khas KUNAR district.

US Senators with Green Beret Major Jim Gant in Khas KUNAR - years ago during the height of his campaign to integrate with tribes to bring about reductions in violence.

Here is Major Gant with Malik Noor Afzal a prominent Malik in Mangwal Khas KUNAR. In this photo a prisoner- Jalil - was freed thanks to the relational networks and trust Major Gant had leveraged and the personal intervention of Noor Afzal.

Now - Jalil who also hails from Khas Kunar is back with the Taliban - his sons and family members are in charge of Khas Kunar.

Malik Noor Afzal was instrumental at starting the Afghan Local Police in this area from his home in Mangwal. He managed to convince villages to provide 90 members to ALP.

Now in this new season of the conflict:Green Beret Major Jim Gant is gone,Malik Afzal died of natural causes many years ago,&the US military&Afghan Republic that supported the ALP are gone too. But Jalil &Malik Noor Afzal’s family are still back in Khas KUNAR living side by side.

Many villagers have accused Jalil and his family members of settling old scores now - taking revenge on many families and people at the village and district level who worked with the Americans over the past 20 years.

Today, they say they have been abandoned & while old scores are settled the seeds of new conflicts are again sown.

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