Keith Mukai Profile picture
Non-toxic #bitcoin maxi; Lead @SeedSigner dev; Bitcoin & Nostr FOSS dev; gymnastics coach; former English teacher. I will correct your shitty grammar.

Sep 17, 2021, 6 tweets

Compact @SeedSigner acrylic + zip tie v2 "case"!

This mini camera is $8 more than the standard one but is nice and compact.

I sandwiched the build with this $5 acrylic protector. But the screws are too short once you stuff the camera underneath it so had to resort to zip ties.

I loose-fit the back piece in place and marked the camera position with a sharpie.

The acrylic was easy enough to drill through.

I love how compact this build is!

About $47 in parts, ignoring shipping. But I'm really liking this for us sad plebs that don't have a 3d printer to make a case!

Anyone with a drill should be able to do this.

I used a 5/16" bit. Put a sacrificial scrap piece of wood under the acrylic when drilling to prevent chip out on the back side.

Don't need a drill press, but does make it easier & safer.

Bottom unit has a couple of minor changes:

* 7/16" drill bit so the rear acrylic panel can sit more flush against the board. Meh. Smaller hole looks better.

* Mounted the panel "upside down" to cover the soldered pins.

* Adafruit (top) vs Amazon cam. No practical diff.

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