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Receipts haver. Researcher. The internet is forever. Sunlight eradicates mold. Get some fresh air @deletedtweet161 🚫DMs🚫He/Him https://t.co/M56UQC0znn

Sep 17, 2021, 7 tweets

Fuck around. Find out.

You know you can’t actually milk a cat, right?

Sarah Hightower was platforms by Sputnik News as an extremism researcher. Sputnik is Russian state media.


Endorsed by Sputnik

Sarah was platformed January 2020 by Vice as an expert in Countering Violent Extremism (CVE). She was still actively engaged with the neo-Nazi bowl Batrol and infiltrating circles at this point.

Vice Articles

Yes, Sarah’s original handle for her current twitter account was animehitler420.

Use the search below for yourself to confirm

Conn*r B*tts aka the Dayton shooter (CW - mass murderer) was mutuals on twitter with Sarah, exchanges messages & after the shooters name was released, Sarah locked down her account & deleted most of those tweets.

Last archive for Dayton shooter (see #7):

Sarah in my opinion and I don’t give AF what anyone else’s is, mind you, poses persistent risk to anyone she is in contact with.

She is a grifting opportunist and really has never left the movement. Maybe smoothed some edges.

Now STFU & keep that out of your mouth. ✌️🖕👋👋

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