City of Joburg Profile picture
Official account for the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality.

Sep 17, 2021, 7 tweets

TODAY: The Department @CoJHealth and Social Development will launch the Substance Abuse Multi-Media Awareness Campaign on Alcoholism in Ivory Park, Region A #JoburgCares ^GZ

Substance abuse must be understood holistically, bringing together various sectors to combat substance abuse and its associated social risks and consequences will build safer and healthier communities #JoburgCares ^GZ

Did you know that alcohol is the most used legal substance across the City of Joburg? Alcoholism is therefore one of our biggest challenges in our municipality that needs redress #JoburgCares ^GZ

Fact: Alcohol remained the drug of choice at 16.6% in 2019 against 24.9% in 2018 financial year followed by dagga at 8.4% as compared to 9.5% in 2018. Usage by gender showed 60.1% are males and 39.4% females across Joburg #JoburgCares ^GZ

The graphs below summarise the findings with regards to alcohol usage across the 7 Johannesburg regions 👇🏾 #JoburgCares ^GZ

The following initiatives are aimed at responding to the substance abuse challenge in the city 👇🏾

-Prevention Programs
-Treatment Centre Services
-Crisis Line
-Maintenance of Local Drug Action Committee (LDAC)

#JoburgCares ^GZ

It needs to start at home, be the role model at home and phuza wise 🍷 #JoburgCares ^GZ

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