City of Joburg Profile picture
Official account for the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality.

Sep 17, 2021, 9 tweets

Accelarated Service delivery programme takes us to Soweto today ,we are joined by the Executive Mayor @matongo_jolidee together with his Mayoral Committee Members #JoburgServices #WeServeJoburg ^NB

Our first stop is the implementation of stormwater masterplan on Shenge street ,contractor on site and within projected time frames #WeServeJoburg #JoburgServices

As part of #ArborMonth, the Mayoral Committee Members planting trees 🌳 on the
sidewalk Cnr Koma Road and Shomayeli Street #JoburgServices #WeServeJoburg

As part of our #kleenajoburg campaign ,we also distributed @CleanerJoburg litre bins #WeServeJoburg #JoburgServices

#JoburgServices @CleanerJoburg Zondi depot team clearing illegal dumping hotspots ko Jabulani #WeServeAndProtect ^NB

Construction of a recreational park underway at Emdeni #WeServeJoburg #JoburgServices ^NB

#JoburgServices @MyJRA team fixing damaged traffic lights along Koma rd #WeServeJoburg ^NB

Executive Mayor @matongo_jolidee inspects the Klipspruit road following collapsed stormwater infrastructure which caused a section of the road to cave in #JoburgServices #WeServeJoburg ^NB

#JoburgServices @MyJRA implemented a sectional closure as precaution and a plan is in place to reconstruct the road #WeServeJoburg ^NB

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