Natalia Krapiva 👩🏻‍💻🕊 Profile picture
Tech-Legal Counsel @accessnow, former @BrooklynDA, @hrcberkeley, @UNHumanRights, @ICTYnews, @ManhattanDA. Human Rights | Tech | Law | EasternEurope/CentralAsia

Sep 17, 2021, 11 tweets

BREAKING: @Apple and @Google just simultaneously pulled Russian opposition voting guide app on election morning.

It gets worse. THREAD 1/


2/ The app @Google & @Apple just shut down helped Russians that disagree with Putin find candidates to vote for.

The very definition of democratic process.

Both companies knew it.

For once, Putin was afraid too.

Story: @antontroian @INechepurenko…

3/ Russia has tried everything to get the app pulled.

A spurious trademark lawsuit, legal threats...

@Google and @Apple knew exactly what was going on.

And, until this morning, they resisted.

Story: @craigtimberg @RobynDixon__

4/ Worse: after pulling the real voting guide app, @Apple is *keeping* impostor apps.

Russians headed to the polls are now unwittingly installing apps that may put them in immediate danger.

@Apple 5/ Clearly, @Apple and @Google took this decision under pressure.

But the companies owe the Russian people an explanation.

6/ @Apple, I can't believe I need to say this but even in Russia, voting is not criminal behavior.

Pic: Apple's correspondence to the App developers (via @christogrozev )

Russia’s threats are unacceptable under international law.

@Apple & @Google understandably want to protect their staff.

But they ALSO have an obligation to be transparent about decisions that affect millions of users.

By @maxseddon & @madhumita29…

8/ And here you have it, Putin's people now praising @Apple & @Google.👇

By quietly deleting the apps, companies ceded the narrative to the government.

Truth that they should say: the orders violated international law & were enforced through duress

9/ Silence from DC & other democracies (incl. from the @FO_Coalition) over this latest Russian thuggery is leaving US companies hanging out to dry...

… and raises obvious questions about the strength of Western govs’ commitments to democratic processes.

Yesterday, @Google pulled Russian opposition voting guide.

Today, election day 2: @Google is telling users to delete @googledocs, per 🇷🇺 orders.

If Google doesn't speak out about unlawful pressure & requests, they will escalate.


11/ 🇷🇺 Russian election, 3rd & final day:

☑opposition @Apple & @Google apps... blocked
☑opposition @googledocs & @YouTube vids...blocked
☑ widespread evidence of ballot staffing
☑ violence against election observers

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