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35 she/her / 🔞

Sep 18, 2021, 149 tweets


When Rose asks bridesmaid Rey to learn calligraphy to help out with her wedding to Hux, Rey needs a teacher. Enter Kylo Ren, calligraphy enthusiast. Also known as Ben Solo, Hux’s co-worker who’s had a crush on Rey for some time.

Coming on Monday!

📱 Reylo Text Fic
⚠️ CW - Mentions of Anxiety, Anger issues & Therapy. Hidden Identity.
🔞 NSFW content will be flagged
🤫 #flourishfic to mute
⏰ Updates in the evenings (UK time)
🕰 Time stamps mean nothing!


So, may we start? Introducing Ben Solo, Financial Analyst for First Order Bank and Rey Niima, Civil Engineer.


Here are Rey’s friends, her ride or dies.


And Ben’s… well, his co-workers, anyway.


And Ben’s… well, his co-workers, anyway.


1. It’s a regular weekday and Rey is bored at work, so she grins when she sees Rose’s text show up. And then quickly panics.


2. Rey soon regrets that “anything”. Rose was apparently planning on learning calligraphy so she could lovingly handwrite place cards, menus… But with the new timeline and her recently increased workload it’s impossible. Would Rey mind…?

She has to say yes.


3. Rey throws herself at the mercy of the GC they started to discuss Rose’s bachelorette (God, that’s now also happening soon).


4. Meanwhile in Ben’s work GC, Hux chooses a different method to ensure compliance.


5. Phasma delights in tormenting Ben, much like an older, wiser, cooler sibling. But she’s also there to push, support and annoy, as needed. Right now, Ben needs a little push because he has a BIG crush.



6. Rey goes online and soon gets lost amongst all the Google results. She looks up calligraphy and falls down an information rabbit hole. She looks on Instagram, following Poe’s advice, when one account catches her eye.


7. Kylo Ren has a YouTube channel, too, where he covers most aspects of calligraphy. His very informative videos only show his hands. His big, beautiful, nimble hands with long tapered fingers. No voice either, just background music and text on screen.


8. Reading some of the comments, Rey’s not alone in her feelings about Kylo Ren and his big paws.


CW: alcohol

9. Later, after a glass of wine, Rey opens Instagram. After two, she decides she’s feeling brave. Nothing ventured nothing gained, right?


10. Kylo Ren, aka Ben Solo, huffs. He just won a client some money, though, so he’s feeling generous.

At least this seems like a real person. He has a quick look through sunshine_scavenger’s photos and almost chokes. It’s her. Rose’s friend. Rey. Her name is Rey.


11. Ben thinks for a moment. This could be his chance. His anxiety is a lot less bad if he doesn’t have to communicate in person. Maybe, just maybe, this could work out in his favour. He cracks his knuckles and starts typing.


12. He quickly scribbles a couple of options. She’ll need some basic stroke practice, a simple font. The most basic supplies, and… a teacher. He tries to contain his excitement as he photographs his scribbled letters and send it.


13. She teased him, almost flirty, even after his gaffe. Ben can’t woo her, maybe Kylo can.

With a fragile sense of hope, Ben fills in the RSVP card to Rose and Hux’s wedding and puts it in his outbox, ready to go out with the rest of the mail tomorrow morning.

That’s it for today! More to come soon.


The following day, the GC is there to support Rey if she needs help with her calligraphy quest. It seems like she’s got this covered, though!



After a quick email exchange, Ben is in agony about how long to wait until he contacts her again. He lasts precisely 36 hours.


Ben loves learning about Rey. She’s charming, funny, and brilliant. The conversation flows and for once, he can manage. Her beauty was captivating, but there’s so much more to her. He can’t wait to find out more.



Rose comes to her GC with some interesting gossip. It seems Rey had her eye on someone at the engagement party, too. 👀


Her friends all want the best for her and mean well, really, but Rey is finding this conversation somewhat trying.


(Why did I stop numbering? Incompetence!)

19. Later that day, Rey tries out the brush pens. After half an hour, she throws herself at Kylo’s mercy.


20. His phone is in his recording rig, but he can still see her beautiful face as he shows her how the different strokes work. Her wonder, then her smile. She shows him her progress, chattering excitedly. She’s British. His heart beats so fast his chest hurts.


21. He doesn’t show his face, but his voice is deep and rich. It coils in her belly as warmth and contentment spread across her frame. And those hands! Rey does her best to pay attention to his explanation about ascenders and descenders, wanting to do well.


22. After the call, Rey contacts him again. Friend. If he is never anything more, he knows he can be happy just having her as part of his life. She’s been in it for such a short time, and yet he can’t imagine a future without her.


23. Kylo’s latest Instagram post may be directed to a certain civil engineer. Rey rolls her eyes and smiles when she sees it, quickly liking it as she gets on with her day.


24. Rey is bored at lunch so she decides to chat to her new friend. The conversation quickly becomes deeper than either of them expected. Her heart aches for him, trying so desperately to please and fit in.


25. She hesitates when it comes to telling him about her past, but he has trusted her with his. It feels right, though, sharing with him, it’s liberating.


26. Neither are you.

Rey puts her phone down and stares at it. Her eyes well with tears. Not unhappy ones, it’s just… it’s a lot. She’s opened herself to someone new, she’s jumped into that abyss and he’s caught her. Her heart feels full, in a good way.


27. From across the city, Ben is staring at his, phone, too. Because her acceptance seems so impossible after years of self-loathing. He ran away from his family, she never met hers.

He types a message, hesitantly. Presses send. Then another. Maybe it’s time.

To be continued!


28. After an evening full of confessions and shared secrets, Rey checks in on Kylo. There are many things she is refusing to think about, questions she doesn’t want to ask herself. But she needs to know he’s okay.



29. Ben’s attention to his phone doesn’t go unnoticed. To be fair, no one at this meeting actually wants to be in it.

The person who wants to be there the least is possibly Mitaka.



30. That evening, Kylo Ren posts another picture on his Insta account. Finn gives Rey a level look when she squeals and smiles at her phone.

Rey just says “Cat meme” and Finn turns his attention back to The Great British Bake Off.


31. A couple of days later and Rey’s GC is, as usual, up to no good. She didn’t want to get Rose’s hopes up and now the cat is out of the bag.


32.Poe and Kaydel prod and poke and Rey is feeling really defensive of Kylo. She loves her friends, and they’re usually irreverent. But this just feels like they’re attacking something precious.


33. When Rose asks, though, Rose who has been nothing but lovely and supportive, Rey can’t wholly downplay it. She puts her doubts out there, though. She doesn’t put her hopes.


34. Ben’s always delighted to hear from her, and adds another tidbit to his trove of information about Rey. He’s so glad to see her progress and to share his hobby and coping mechanism with her.


35. There’s a chance to come clean here, or at least to comment on how he has a friend who is marrying someone called Rose. Ben panics, types a million different things and then chickens out. He can’t risk it. He knows he’s making it worse, but he just can’t.


36. Speaking of weddings, Rey has at last managed to organise Rose’s bachelorette! Paige, Rose’s sister and Matron of Honor has a small child, is exhausted and has happily delegated these duties to Rey.


37. Ben sighs with a combination of fondness and exasperation as he deals with the force of nature that is Leia Organa.

Unbeknownst to him, fate continues its subtle work.


CW: mention of animal death

38. When Rey encounters something she has to share with someone, she tries Finn, who doesn’t pick up. Rose is having a fitting for her dress, she doesn’t want to make her sad. Her fingers hover over Kaydel’s name, but she chooses Kylo.


39. Another post by Kylo Ren. Another message she treasures.

She chose him.

He called her sweetheart.

That night Rey falls asleep with a smile on her lips.

Ben goes to bed with his heart full and his mind even fuller.

To be continued!


40. The following Friday, all of Rey’s friends have plans. During her lunch break she checks what’s showing on her favourite channels that night and squeals at her discovery. She contacts Kylo immediately.


41. The addition of pizza to her platonic plans sends Rey into a spiral. Is it a date? Is it? She could ask Rose, but she needs a cool head. She needs Finn.


42. It’s scary, putting her thoughts out there. It’s even scarier when someone calmly points out what’s obvious.


Pizza and giant monsters first, personal details later.


43. On the other side of town, there’s no rest for the wicked, especially when the wicked works with the nosiest people known to humanity.

Also, Phasma is relentless and kind of scary. So Ben gives her some crumbs and hopes she goes away.


44. He really should have known better. He folds like a house of cards.


45. Rey has treated herself to a pile of cheese and carbs and she’s munching on the first slice when she contacts Kylo. She’s nervous, this is her pick after all and it’s a Japanese film about a giant monster, in black and white, from the 50s.


CW: Spoilers for Godzilla (1954)

46. As the film starts and Rey gives Kylo a while to get into the story, she scarfs down her food, hoping for a positive reaction from her film buddy.

She isn’t disappointed. She grins wide.


CW: Spoilers for Godzilla (1954)

47. Somehow he segues into a personal question. Rey thinks briefly of Hot Giant, but this isn’t about infatuation. This is about the long game, the person she’d want to own pets and property with, maybe have a family with.


CW: Spoilers for Godzilla (1954)

48. Rey almost feels it’s over before it’s begun, but then he calls her beautiful. Not pretty, not attractive.


She tries to return the compliment as well as she can. The film saves her from herself, thankfully.


CW: Spoilers for Godzilla (1954)

49. They get back to the film. After it ends, Rey is touched by Kylo’s reaction. This was her putting herself out there for him. And he liked what she shared.

She says goodnight before she can ruin it.


50. Leia Organa couldn’t have known how amazing her timing is. At any other time, Ben would have just said no.

But he’s on a high from the date (he’s choosing to consider it a date) and emotional from the film. So he gives in.


51. Ben can’t sleep. He takes out his seldom-used traditional calligraphy brush, googles the information he needs and then spends a good while getting the strokes right.

He posts the image, knowing Rey will see it in the morning. He hopes it will make her smile.

To be continued!


52. It’s been a week since their date and both Rey and Ben have big days planned, which involve bunking off work early. Ben is super touched at how supportive she is.


53. Varykino Tea Rooms are popular today. While Poe is in the air and unable to comment, the rest of the GC are losing their minds over what they’re missing.


54. She’s okay. So what if Hot Giant thinks she’s disgusting?

She’s not.

She knows this.

But the creeping doubts of someone who has struggled so hard to find acceptance and love in her life can be insidious and they take root.


55. She laughs it off. Eats more than her fair share of dainty cakes and sandwiches.

Her friends are so great.

Rose gets her to talk about Kylo and the change of subject is welcome.

She’s fine.


Why isn’t she fine?


56. They meet up with Finn and Kaydel at laser tag. Poe is running late, so they make two teams of two and Rey is absolutely lethal. Kay and Finn have to basically duck out of the way every time they see her.

They share a look and Finn quickly types a text.


57. Finn loves Poe. Adores him and his chaos. But he also knows Rey has a lot of chinks in her protective armour and Poe likes to poke at them, like an annoying sibling. Poe loves Rey, too, of course, and is willing to dial it down.

A bit.


CW: alcohol

58. After a lovely dinner at Takodana, they move on to Chewie’s, a lovely bar with nice music and reasonably priced drinks. Rey is on her second margarita when she decides she needs to talk it out with someone.


Words just pour out.


CW: alcohol

59. Normally, Rey is so well-adjusted, considering. But now and then she doesn’t feel enough. For her friends, for herself, for anyone.

Ben knows the feeling, only too well. The fact that he made her feel like this is like a dagger to his heart.


60. Ben sits at home, his thoughts echoing in his head, his guilt and his anger at himself making him want to tear every item around him. He reaches out at his desk, blinded by tears and grabs something to break.

A quill.


He breathes and takes out his phone.


CW: Mentions of mental health issues and therapy.

61. As he bares his soul to Phasma, Ben plays with the quill. He clutches it like a talisman while he waits for his friend to type her replies, breathing deep.


CW: Mentions of mental health issues and therapy.

62. Ben contacts his therapist and gets an appointment for Sunday.

His phone dings.

He thinks of Rey. Of running out on her.

He feels overwhelmed. This time, though, he won’t just run. He’s doing it right.


CW: mention of anxiety and medication

63. He can’t sleep. He could take something, but he doesn’t want to. He may oversleep and miss Phasma.

He grabs his flat-tip pen. Maybe something gothic.

The word that goes around in his head is put to paper. His nemesis.

To be continued!


64. After seeing Phasma and his therapist at the weekend, Ben is clearer on the way ahead.

He doesn’t LIKE it, but it’s clearer. When his phone pings and he realises he hasn’t quite updated Phasma he gets to it. He owes her that.


65. He really bristles at Phasma, even though he knows she has his best interests at heart. It’s hard not to. He feels protective of Rey and deeply frustrated by this whole situation.

And it’s only Monday.


66. When his phone pings again at lunchtime, Ben’s heart swells. It’s Rey.

Then he remembers he can only respond in lukewarm pleasantries and his face clouds over again.

He does his best. Especially after her “I care about you”.


67. Rey decides to call in the big guns, because as much as she tried (timidly) to encourage Kylo to talk, there’s been no mention of their conversation from the day of Rose’s bachelorette.

He said she made him feel. Feel what?


68. Armed with ideas (some good, some bad), she feels she can potentially face this situation.

Once her workload from hell is done.

Rey groans and gets back to her spreadsheets and her modelling software, leaving Poe and Kay to their bickering.


69. Ben is spiralling and it hasn’t even been a day. This is not good.

He thinks of Rey, overworked and stressed.

He gets materials. Practices and then writes, concentrating as hard as he can.

He can still do this for her. It’s their connection. Their secret.


70. Ben goes through the motions. He hadn’t realised just how empty his life is. Phasma tries sending him photos of kittens, but it leaves them both feeling uncomfortable. He can’t reach out to Rey.

After several days, she contacts him again and he sighs, relieved.


71. He revels in the teasing (that’s still friendly, right?) and adds “likes tea and chocolate, not coffee” to his treasure trove of knowledge about Rey.

He knows he’s technically cheating, but he gets up early the next morning and takes advantage of the light.


72. Another handful of days later, when his grumpiness is starting to get out of control, she contacts him again. She makes him smile. He tries his best to be amusing and all the heart emojis take his breath away.


73. Ben quickly goes into a slight funk after the afterglow of Rey’s conversation is over.

It turns out other people have noticed.

He’s touched.


74. Ben isn’t desperate to put stuff out for Rey to notice.

He totally isn’t. But he once again gets up extra early and tries something new. For her.


75. In the meantime, Rey comes out for breath of what has been, truly, a terrible set of days.

She reviews her brief interactions with Kylo. And she figures out what’s bugging her.

She contacts Finn, really worried about what it means.


76. Ben is ecstatic when he hears from Rey again. It’s been a couple of weeks with very little communication due to her work and he’s missed her.

Once he realises what she’s trying to say, he stops breathing. And then he panics.


77. Ben contacts Phasma because he cannot cope with this. He swears.

He has no self esteem, but how did neither his therapist nor Phasma plan for this, unlikely as it was??


78. It kills Ben to have to put the breaks on Rey’s declaring her feelings for him.

When she trusts him, though, he feels joy and hope for the future. A month.

They only need to wait a little over a month.

He hopes she will still trust him then.


79. Ben feels elated. And sad. It’s a strange combination, but nonetheless, true.

He decides to throw caution to the wind.

The following day, when Rey sees his post, she feels hopeful. She packs her brush pens and practice sheets in her work bag. She can do this.

To be continued!


80. A couple of days after their last conversation, Ben’s phone buzzes just as he gets home in the evening. He smiles when he sees it’s Rey and answers quickly, a rapid exchange of texts until, suddenly, the air seems to have gone out of the room. (3SS)


81. Ben goes into full panic mode. What does she want? A self-assured man who takes charge in the bedroom? Does she want him to beg? He’s not sure of what he is, of what he’d be or do with HER. He types, but none of his answers can solve this.


82. In a different part of town, Rey is wishing she hadn’t let her contrary side lead her down this flirty path. She sees the dots as Kylo types and deletes and she bites her lip because she just broke all his boundaries and that’s BAD.

Thankfully, he’s crafty.


83. Ben feels like he chickened out, but also grateful that she didn’t push further.

He’s been wanting to write that quote for a long time. This totally isn’t a subpost. Or whatever those things are called.


84. The following day, as if she can somehow sense his panic (can she?) Phas checks in.


85. Their conversations become a bit of a cat and mouse game, with Rey poking him but immediately backing off when he doesn’t respond. It’s amazing how much he enjoys being teased, how her texts make him smile.

Even if it makes Phasma roll her eyes.


86. One more day, one more chaotic GC. Rey reminds herself that they always have her back and tries to put the idea of sitting next to Hot Giant out of her mind. She’ll be thinking of Kylo and the talk they’re going to have as soon as Hux and Rose leave. (3SS)


87. Sometimes, Ben can feel how Rey’s warmth gives him hope. That things will work out. That all of this teasing and banter is precious and special, as much for her as it is for him.

That she’ll love him, moles and glasses and all.


88. So if he starts pushing boundaries and baring his heart in this one-sided show of emotion, if he plays fast and loose with the rules himself…

It’s because his heart is so full it overflows.


89. And every little piece of her, every question and every answer just makes him certain that this, this is what people live and fight for. That his life has been monochrome and now it’s bursting with colour and it’s all thanks to her.

But it’s been so fast.


90. Rey has been so busy with work, calligraphy and Kylo that it’s only when her calendar tells her it was Rose’s final fitting today that she realises just how close the wedding is. Her own dress has been hanging in her closet for a week.

It’s go time.


91. Ben reaches out to an unlikely source of advice.

It feels good, though.

He remembers now that low voice giving him tips to talk to girls.

Not that he ever used them.

But now this feels healing, somehow. The closest thing to a conversation in many years.


92. She wanders through his mind, unbidden, whenever his pens come out. Then again, she’s never far away.

Only ten days, he tells himself. Less than two weeks until he knows his fate.

240 hours. But who’s counting?

To be continued! (Can we please all pretend Tolkien’s name is spelled correctly in that last image?? I literally didn’t notice until it was too late 😂)


93. The last week has felt like several months, Ben’s anxiety rising as the wedding day gets closer.

Getting an update from Rey never fails to bring a smile to his face, though.


94. His breath catches when he sees his name, written by her hand. He feels a mixture of fierce possession and beaming pride.

He wants her to write his name next to hers. To hold the tangible proof of their relationship and keep it next to his heart.


95. Ben keeps his mind as busy as he can with work and his parents. He’s really amazed at the progress they’ve made, at how much they, especially Leia, are willing to listen.

It makes him feel… almost worthy.


96. Slowly, time passes and at last it’s the day before Rose and Hux’s ceremony.

Ben can’t stop fidgeting. He tries to do some calligraphy, but his hands tremble too much. He is half agony, half hope, so he turns to the only person who can make him feel better.


97. It’s the day!

As Rose and Rey get ready inside the venue, Kaydel, Finn, and Poe are making sure everything is ready outside.

But Kay’s eyes can’t help but wander as the guests start to arrive…


98. Rey shouldn’t care.

She shouldn’t.

She’s got Kylo to look forward to.

So she can’t explain why she feels glad when she knows he can’t be with that golden goddess.

She decides not to think about it.

That will help.


99. She tries instead to focus on what she has.

On the wonderful, funny, sensitive man with large hands and a big heart.

Who isn’t here to see her look mighty fine (if she does say so herself).

Still, that’s what social media is for.


100. (3 screen shots)


104. 💔


105. CW: swearing


106. Kaydel has been sitting in front of her burrata with roasted vegetables and a honey and mustard vinaigrette for two minutes when her phone goes crazy.

What now?


107. The long-suffering blonde excuses herself from her table and tries to walk as casually as she can.

She’s just a lady, going to the toilet.

Once she gets there the situation… isn’t good.

Better report back.


108. CW: swearing

Everything is not coming up Kaydel.

Phasma walks in like a conquering Valkyrie in heels and Kaydel just wants to throw herself at her feet.

But first, Rey.


109. Kaydel is having a hard time typing and swooning, but she’s managing, somehow.


110. Plans are hatched to keep the drama out of the reception.

Thankfully for Rey, Kaydel has a handy bag of makeup that manages to hide the ravage from all the crying.

Phasma winks at her as she praises her skills and Kaydel is ready to kick Rey out of the door.


112. CW: self-esteem issues


113. CW: mentions of anxiety


114. ❤️

To be continued…

(Thank so much for sticking with me guys.)



117. 🔞

118. 🔞

119. 🔞


121. 🔞

122. 🔞 (3SS)

123. 🔞(ish) The following morning, Rey is lazing in bed when her phone buzzes. She knows who it will be.

She also knows Rose is not a patient woman, so she sighs and answers promptly. (3SS)


(sorry for not tagging the first tweets of the update)

124. Finn is concerned and also wants to check in. It turns out Rey and Ben’s kiss outside the venue wasn’t as private as they thought.

Rey also feels she may need new friends. (3SS)


125. Ben’s on his way back home to Rey (with enough croissants for 5 people) when his phone buzzes.

He’s on a high. He’s on top of the world. So he gushes at Phasma.


126. Ben and Rey spend the next few weeks together. They go out for coffee. Rey takes Ben to her favourite building in the city. Another time he packs a picnic and takes her to a nearby beauty spot. They have dinner out.

They enjoy every second.


127. Finally, Rey meets Leia and Han. She’s so nervous, but Ben assures her they’ll love her.

She makes seeing his parents easier. Yet another way in which she makes his life better. She holds his hand and squeezes it whenever it gets a bit intense.


128. Once Ben tells her, it turns out Rey was as scared as he was. There are happy tears and hungry kisses.

And once the word “love” has been uttered, it’s all he wants to say and write. So he does.

Some of his followers find it a tad trying.


129. However, the new addition to his household and content is universally approved of.


130. Poe bestows a great honour unto the First Order trio.

Some aren’t grateful enough. (3SS)


131. Some months later Rey’s lease is up and, well, she already spends most of her time at his place.

It just makes sense.


132. Just before Christmas, Padme’s ring is burning a hole in Ben’s pocket.

He’s had it since before she moved in.

They’re going through their plans for the holidays and watching TV. She’s teasing him and they’re laughing, and…

It just comes out. “Marry me?”


133. To say that Ben is over the moon is, perhaps, understating it.


134. Their big day comes. It’s a small affair, intimate.

Ben and Rey can’t stop smiling. He tears up as she says “I do”. Leia sobs through it all.

Phasma, unsurprisingly, gives an amazing speech.

Poe claims it’s all thanks to him.


135. There are fights, but there’s love and understanding. Rey never feels second best or alone. Ben knows she always has his back.

They go through everything together.

And they flourish.

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