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Investigative reporter @CalMatters | | dm for Signal | 🇲🇽

Sep 18, 2021, 30 tweets

Justice for J6 rally in Washington, D.C.

It’s mostly press and police, about about an hour away from the rally start time

The U.S. Capitol

Some “justice for J6” supporters are arriving

“Justice for J6” rally

“Justice for J6” organizer addressing the press

Organizers waiting for the rally to start

A “justice for J6” supporter in front of the capitol

A talking point amongst “justice for J6” supporters

Most of the rally looks like this

Capitol police are out, taking security seriously for this event.

A handful of counter protesters

Joe Kent is running against a Republican incumbent in Washington’s 3rd district for voting for impeachment.

Kent is here in support of J6 participants.

This man chose love.
(This is a Portland subtweet)

Joe Kent says he believes the election was stolen and that Biden is not “legitimate”, he says he wants an investigation to “prove” it was (or wasn’t) stolen.

Supporters pray before rally

Just before the speaker sang the national anthem, this man spoke up and everyone got silent, he announced his name and said “I am the master of the universe.”

The speaker was like “ok.” and started singing.

The “justice for J6” supporters number in the dozens

The United States capitol

Riot police surround a man being detained by Capitol police

Joe Kent’s speech 1/2

Joe Kent speech 2/2

Organizer Matt Braynard chants “USA!” at a rally in defense of those charges with Capitol insurrection

One counter protester says “fuck the proud boys”

Some arguing but police are separating people

The rally is over, metropolitan police taking in the shade.

Street vendors selling maga hats, ice cream, and water

Political theater

3 hours later, union square is nearly empty.

I am out of the Capitol.

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