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Secure Your Dream NHS Consultant Job | Doctor | Writer | Interview Coach

Sep 18, 2021, 11 tweets

Choosing the right examples to use in your job interview is really stressful.

Sometimes it seems impossible to get it right.

This year I spoke to over 50 interview experts to hear their tips.

These 7 tips from them will change the way you select + prep your examples: 🧵👇

Tip #1: Do your prep well

Most have us have tried to come up with an example on the spot in interview.

If we try to do this, we experience:

• Stress
• Difficulty focusing on the answer
• A risk of choosing a bad example

Instead we can prep likely examples in advance.

Tip #2: Make sure it's true.

It's tempting to 'embellish' a story to make us seem awesome, but this is a terrible idea.

It will mean:

• We can't answer follow-up questions
• We get ourselves stressed
• We won't sound genuine

Instead, be your authentic self.

Tip #3: Show vulnerability.

Showing vulnerability it so important. They aren't looking for a superhero.

Vulnerability helps you seem:

• Relatable
• Human
• A team player

They won't think you're weak, they will recognise this makes you stronger.

Tip #4: Choose one where nothing terrible happens.

We know mistakes happen, but this is the wrong time to share them

An example with major harm distracts the panel from focusing on your positive contribution.

The easiest way to avoid this is just to choose a different example.

Tip #5: Spend most of the time talking about your role.

It's easy for us to get caught up in storytelling.

But this isn't what the panel wants to hear.

Focus on:

• Your role
• What you learned
• How you shared that learning

The story should be told in 1-2 sentences only.

Tip #6: Use the IMSO framework:

• Incident - what happened?
• Mission - what was your role?
• Steps - what did you do?
• Outcome - what happened?

Having a framework allows us to feel more confident, cover all the bases, and be able to focus more on being present.

Tip #7: Use examples throughout your interview.

Many of us only remember to use examples when we are literally asked for one.

By using examples throughout our interview ensure we:

• Add authenticity
• Back up our claims
• Give the panel a clear impression of who we are

TL;DR - 7 collated tips from experts that will change the way you use examples at interview

• Prep well
• Make it true
• Show vulnerability
• Choose one where nothing terrible happens
• Focus on your role
• Use the IMSO framework
• Use examples throughout the interview

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