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Sep 18, 2021, 59 tweets

Doctor said to rest up and drink lots of fluids, so I think I'm gonna spend the day watching the Star Trek 2/3/4 trilogy....

Really wish James Horner had done the music for ST:4. Kind of tie it all together....

I remember loving these uniforms when I first saw them. But when you think about the TOS and TNG uniforms, there's a bit fancy for everyday wear. The cadet uniforms feel more functional (and are repurposed TMP uniforms, proving that movie just needed some color to look better).

Those vector graphics still look pretty keen.


Scuttlebutt says Gene Roddenberry was not too happy with the script for this movie so leaked that Spock was going to die in it. Mick Meyer's solution? Kill him in the first five minutes of the movie, and then prove it was all an act. So you'd forget about it later.

Also: Is that Kirk's big reveal, or Shatner's?

My mom, a big Star Trek fan herself (and has cosplayed this exact uniform!) still calls her "Mrs. Spock."

"Aren't you dead?" Love that wink from the writer to the fans who thought they knew he was going to die. :)

"NICK" Meyer. Sorry about that Nick.

My best friend Steph had this exact diamond shaped shelving unit in her apartment.

I love that they mention that Romulan Ale is highly illegal in the Federation, and then it shows up pretty much everywhere constantly...each time being mentioned that it was highly illegal.

When I do a tarot reading for myself, I do the while reading and when it's over I ask my cards "Don't mince words, tell me what you REALLY think." Much like when Kirk asks here, I'm not always pleased with the answer.

Was it "Space Taint" you named this, @MasterPancake ?

"Listen, if you push the amplification up much more, it's gonna clip. Who is mixing this album you or me?"

I love that these movies bring back some of the lesser known recurring characters in Trek, such as Mr Kyle here, who was often Scotty's backup in the Transporter room in TOS.

There's a scene that was removed here that Terrell finds an infant in one of the beds. The only clue that the infant was here is when Terrell says "But what about...what about about the--" and Chekov talks over him saying "Child." The child is still in the novelization.


"I never forget a face. Mr Chekov, isn't it?" Chekov and Khan never met, however Walter Koenig often said at cons that they met when Chekov was in the bathroom before him and left him with no toilet paper. "I'll never forget your face...."

Judson Scott is a handsome handsome man.

Also: My favorite Pokemon.

Sadly, Ricardo Montalban is no longer around to give classes on How To Chew The Fuck Out Of Scenery Effectively And Dynamically.

I have never once seen this at the theaters and not been grabbed in horror by anyone I've brought with me. :)

If you notice, the new Torpedo Room set has very strange angles and struts. That's because it's the Klingon Bridge set from TMP redressed into a more Star Fleet look.

"I had a wee bout, sir, but Doctor McCoy pulled me through." This was actually a joke mention about a heart attack James Doohan had had before filming.

This is the Triforce of Radiation, Link.

The never released Nintendo Ultra 64.

One of the things edited out of the movie is that Saavik is actually partially Romulan. The reason she shows more emotion than Spock. This has since been retconned in that Vulcans HAVE emotions, they just suppress them.

Not 100% sure, but I believe this is an unused warp effect from ST:TMP. I prefer it to the rainbow one in that movie.

DRM in the 23rd Century SUCKS.

The Reliant originally was going to be just another Constitution II Class ship, but that was scrapped because two similar ships fighting each other would get confusing. They then redesigned the ship but "upside down" from what you see here.

Producer Harve Bennett saw the blueprints and signed off on them, but signed his signature upside down. ILM decided that maybe he meant he thought the upside down plan was how they were going to make the they did.

And we got the Reliant, essentially an upside down Enterprise, which is great, cause what better way to point out the enemy ship by making it the equal and opposite of the Enterprise?

An old man has never looked sexier. And I do absolutely believe that is his actual chest.


The Communications Logo to the left of Uhura was designed by Lee Cole, and ever since I was a kid, I thought it was the Burger King Logo.

I've always appreciated that ILM kept the ST:TMP effects language, like the photo torpedo here. ILM could have done things very different that Doug Trumbull and John Dykstra did on TMP, but they went ahead and used the same design aesthetics and effects, just on their dime.

ILM earned their paycheck in this movie.

Thread continues here:

Maybe it's the change of weather here in Seattle, but these jackets look COZY.

More ST:TMP recycling. Space Station Regula One is the Earth Office Complex upside down. The transporter at Regula One is one of the consoles on the Klingon Ship in TMP.

In TOS, an apparition of Kirk's friend Finnegan said he set Kirk up with a "little blonde technician" who he almost married. While I don't think Carol Marcus was written up to be that specific little blonde technician, my personal head canon says she is. :)

The phasers designed for ST:TMP and virtually unseen finally get their day in the sun.

Obligatory Shatner Reference #1239

Anyone for raspberry jelly?

Somewhere at ILM is a giant ear, just sitting there, waiting....

In earlier drafts of TWOK, Marla McGivers (who went with Khan in Space Seed) had a decent sized role. When she was removed from the script, much of her lines went to Joachim. With that in my head, it kind of cemented another head canon for me. Joachim is Kahn and McGiver's son.

Composer James Horner there on the right.

ILM Cloud Tank Appreciation Post #1

"Rasie the shields."
"As I feared, sir. Not functional."
"Have you tried adjusting the tracking on the VCR?"

ILM Cloud Tank Appreciation Post #2

I love Joachim's last line here: "Yours is...superior." In the novelization, after Khan says "I shall avenge you," he replies with "I wish no vengeance" which I think weakens the character. The last line in the movie works so much better.

When this was Marla McGivers, though, the last lines were FREAKING AMAZING.

"Marla...Have I ever told you that I loved you?"
"Never once."
(kissing her forehead) "And I probably never will. It is a sin of omission."


Good News! It's a suppository!

ILM Cloud Tank Appreciation Post #3

I've heard that the "Remember" line was an on-set addition. Supposedly by producer Harve Bennet or Leonard Nimoy. Not 100% sure, but I've heard Nick Meyer say "I was hired to kill Spock, and I killed him" when talking about his writing on Star Trek 4.

ILM Cloud Tank Appreciation Post #4

One of the reasons I think the earlier Warp Drive shot was an unused one from TMP is that there were several warp effects tests on that movie that weren't used, but also, ILM only "streaks" the lighting on the ship, not the ship itself.

And in some cases seems to be more of an animation effect than a lighting effect.

Doug Trumbull streaked the ship's hull in the TMP effects.

Oh, OSHA is so going to hear about this.

We all joke that Shatner hams up his roles, but I honestly think his shock at seeing Spock dying is some of his best acting ever.

Even the "slide" down the ladder, just to get there a few quick seconds sooner feels real.

This scene, man. The quiet dignity of Spock straightening his uniform. Trying to say goodbye through plastic, and a simple understated "No" from Kirk.

Mom and I bawled and bawled when we saw this. I'm teary eyed even now.

Overnerding Time: Was there enough mass to make a planet from the Mutara Nebula? Did Genesis also make the sun? Or was it already there? SO MANY QUESTIONS.

I believe this shot is a recreation of art used to promote Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Wish I had a better pic of the background....

These final shots were filmed well after principle photography to give a sense of hope to the end of the movie at Harve Bennett's request.

Wether that was to provide an out for Spock's death, or just to show his final resting place, I'm not sure. PRobably both.

I wasn't expecting to do a "Wench Watches" style running commentary of ST:TWOK, but that was fun and I need some fun right now. Should I do The Search For Spock? Cause I'm gonna take a break before I start that one. :)

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