(((Charles Fishman))) 💧 Profile picture
Journalist. Author. Historian of the race to the Moon in the 1960s: 'One Giant Leap.' • Also water & Walmart. • 'A radio sensation.'

Sep 18, 2021, 5 tweets

Inspiration4 with a safe splashdown in the Atlantic off Florida.

Series if three pics below.

Great three-day mission of four regular folks to space.

A new era of spaceflight is being born right in front of us…

2/ Inspiration 4 returns…

3/ Inspiration4 floating safely in Atlantic…

4/ And here’s two views of spaceship return you don’t normally get, thanks to SpaceX mounting cameras everywhere.

Looking up at the parachutes from mounting area on top of capsule.

First, view of drogues, on left…

5/ And view of main parachutes (4), which slow Dragon to 15 mph for ‘soft splashdown.’

15 mph might give you a sharp jolt — seats designed to cushion that.

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